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Justice Breyer’s Home Hit By Burglar

Right here. But he’s cool with it since the burglar was doing it in furtherance of economic development.

4 Responses to “Justice Breyer’s Home Hit By Burglar”

  1. J.D. Kinman Says:

    Well, well, well. . .

    The old saying about “What goes around, comes around. . .”

    Liberals, however, just dip into the working folks’ pocket to replace whatever their constituents stole.


  2. Cormac Says:

    It was a really nice area…
    and a nice Little Pink House (check out the book of the same name)

  3. Windy Wilson Says:

    I wonder if Kelo could be used by an accused counterfeiter, since he’s acting to relieve the “tight money situation”, to quote the papers.

  4. chris Says:

    Scalia lectured Breyer about the utility of a gun for self-defense purposes during the Heller oral arguments.

    Guess he didn’t listen.

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