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Banning Cali’s Bullet Button

There’s a bill to do just that.

6 Responses to “Banning Cali’s Bullet Button”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Wouldn’t it be just nice if these jerks had the stones to say what they REALLY want.

    To ban ALL GUNS, and repeal the second amendment.

  2. Jack Says:

    Notably, a repeal without passing an amendment like the 21st Ammendment.

    Because not only is the 2nd Ammendment outdated but so is, apparently, Article Five.

    Then again the Antis have a whole slew of problems with the Constitution, so that’s expected.

  3. NUGUN Says:

    Solution: The case key. Make a simple key, the key happens to be a simple circle matching the diameter of an empty .223 brass shell.

    Now you have a “key” tool to unlock. Politicians are usually to stupid to write clear laws. And most are too stupid to know that a cartridge shell is distinct from a bullet on a technical and legal definition.

  4. HL Says:

    Nugun, it sounds like they are going to write legislation to ban any magazine hat is removable at all. They will probably make it so that the magazine is machined in with the lower or some nonsense.

    The solution is just to leave Cali.

  5. HL Says:

    hat = that.

  6. Shawn Says:

    100% certainty of passage.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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