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15 year old invents screening that is non invasive and will save lives. Hats off to that guy.

5 Responses to “Excellent”

  1. Robert Says:

    When I first read your synopsis, I assumed you were talking about screening for *flying*. Imagine my surprise when I clicked on the link.

  2. Alan Says:

    A medical test with a 10% error rate is pretty useless and the reporters can’t be bothered to say what the error represents. Is it false positives? False negatives? Both?

    Pancreatic cancer only occures in less than .01% of the population so the error rate on the test is 600 times higher.

  3. Jake Says:

    @ Alan: If it’s false positives (which I suspect from the phrasing and the article noting it’s high sensitivity that it is*), then even a 10% error rate will not make it useless, because it’s the only non-invasive test there is and because it’s far cheaper than any other test. With a 10% false positive rate it certainly would not be diagnostic, but it would be a good way to rule out pancreatic cancer, and as an early warning test. Positive results would simply have to be confirmed by the more conventional tests, advanced imaging tests, or a biopsy.

    Even with that error rate it appears to be better than the current blood tests.

    * With the caveat, as always, that the MSM is usually stupid and often talking out of the wrong orifice, so I could be wrong.

  4. TIM Says:

    Very Nice.Great To See Such Young Talent Here In The U.S.

  5. ATLien Says:

    Alan, you’re an engineer, aren’t you?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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