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I did not know that

Guns are made of lead

8 Responses to “I did not know that”

  1. Brandoch Daha Says:

    Well, there’s lead somewhere in there. And zero tolerance isn’t about mitigating real risks, it’s about competitively performing your concern. He who emits the most histrionics about the least real danger, wins, because he Cares the most. If your performance of caring is batshit crazy, so much the better: Your righteous caring emotions are so powerful, you can’t even think straight! Top that!

    Somebody should tell her there’s lead solder in all the electronics she gives her kids to shut them up while she’s busy Caring at us. I bet she’d say “HOW DARE YOU CHANGE THE SUBJECT DON’T YOU CAAARRRE?!?! ABOUT THE CHILLLDREN?!”

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Public School Teachers are made of dumb.

    ALL OF THEM! Seriously.

    The hacks who only care about the pensions, their salary, and the fact that they get the summers off to relax, or to grab a second job, are a problem.

    The few remaining good teachers who got the job for all the right reasons and work hard and do the job well are just pulling the wagon and supporting the system for those other slobs.

  3. Turd Furgeson Says:

    All the teachers are dumb? Really. C’mon Beard. Don’t use their tactics of lumping all under one label because you disagree.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Like I said above, the good ones are simply covering for the bad ones, and as one would understand the bad ones get such a good deal, they flock to the system.

    And I’m saying this as somebody who has friends and relatives that are the hard-working type of teachers that we all wish ran the show. And I’ve had teachers that have 100% changed my way of seeing the world and help me become the man I am today.

    But all of these teachers have been silent when it comes to the drunks, hacks, and slobs that soil the industry, and all happily pay their union dues.

    Its a mess similar to the police departments that get corruption deeply entrenched in them.

  5. Turd Furgeson Says:

    You are still making a gross generalization. I would like to think I am one of the good ones. I do not sit by silently but you can only beat your head against the wall so many times before you start to become numb. Union dues get taken whether you are actually in the union or not so no they are not paid happily. It is frustrating going against the flow but it is only exacerbated when you are vilified just for being a teacher.

  6. nk Says:

    I had a long-time client, who ran a machine-shop. He called his non-hardenable steel “lead”, because it had some lead content for ease of machining. I doubt, very much, that there is any appreciable lead content in any firearm part.

    (*appreciable* because you can find traces of anything in anything.)

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Work harder, and get some help from the ranks, Turd.

    Because right now you are helping keep those losers afloat.

  8. Mopar Says:

    Welcome to my world. Literally. I was there and can be seen in the video. I was part of a counter-protest in support of the range. There were 4-5 TV crews and 2-3 newspapers there, and the NBC story that is getting linked around the gunblogs is by far the least balanced. Here are a few better ones:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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