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Land of the free

Handcuffed for a blog post

6 Responses to “Land of the free”

  1. RWC Says:

    Kimberlin and his followers are scumbags. Just a matter of time when their ‘SWATting’ tactic ends with someone dead.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    This one is hard to figure out. If the Court of Appeals reversed the Peace Order, the mechanism by which they did so was to find that it was improperly issued in the first place. That being the case, how can a complaint of any kind be subsequently based on it?

    This issue needs an application of logic, and the victim here (Kimberlin’s victim) needs an attorney who knows the rules of false arrest/imprisonment.

  3. ATLien Says:

    Somebody just needs to cap this Kimberlin guy and his attack dogs. That’s how you stop that shit.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Now, we’re above that sort of thing, which they hope to use to their advantage. However, as emotionally driven intellectual children, they may be prone to cross the line that justifies use of deadly force due to some… “misstep” by one of the adults. Same result, but, you know.

  5. SPQR Says:

    Rivrdog, Kimberlin snuck into the courthouse on the weekend and talked a commissioner, not a judge, into initially issuing one. Then he snuck into the courthouse on the following weekend, to swear out the affidavit – which I’m looking forward to reading – to the same commissioner to get the arrest warrant issued.

  6. SPQR Says:

    ATLien, comments like yours are what the scumbag is claiming are the “death threats” that justify arresting Aaron.

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