Archive for May, 2012

May 16, 2012

Glad someone else noticed

A recurring theme here is how all these terrorist plots the authorities are uncovering and saving us from would never have been hatched were it not for the authorities prodding them along while under cover. Rolling Stone noticed too.

Seen in the wild

In The City (My The City), you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Nissan Leaf. However, here’s the first Volt I’ve seen that wasn’t owned by the dealer:

Still had the sticker on it so maybe it wasn’t owned either.

Seems safe to me

So, a guy’s house got burgled. This upset him and he wanted to alert his friend to how easy it was to be a victim of burglary. So, to illustrate his point, he took the obvious step of rushing into his friend’s place and acting aggressively. At that point, the friend shot him in the chest with a 9mm.

The language in the article is amusing. They call it a prank, maybe it was. And they call the shooting accidental. It was not. The homeowner shot a man he believed was attacking him. While ‘sure of his target’ in the immediate sense of ‘I’m being attacked’, he was not so sure in the broader sense of ‘who exactly is this person?’

Hard to call that one a bad shoot. Easy to call it having dumb friends.

All that transparency

The Most Open and Transparent Administration in History Confiscates Cell Phones Before Fundraising Dinner

Another win for CalGuns

Defending a gun owner from bogus charges and scoring a cash settlement.

Deal Alert

$10 off $50 Swiss Army Knife orders

Even with a Taurus Judge loaded with shot

You can’t shoot somebody just a little bit

Smart phone stuff

Android Army:

Android-powered smartphones will help soldiers of the future discover better trails, locate colleagues and build stronger defense — capability that just doesn’t exist today. They’ll be a permanent fixture in the United States Army, officials said.

That’s cool but I was hoping based on the headline we had robots.

Rumors that Amazon is developing a phone.

I see you’re familiar with bigotry

Bill Mason, bigot:

What I believe is that the vast majority of gun nuts, especially those who think they have to carry a gun while in public, and I know or have known many, are mostly older white guys, racists, who are afraid of a list of imaginary boogie men: blacks – especially black teenage boys in hoodies and sagging pants – surely they are all “street corner gangsters;” Hispanics – surely they are all illegals and wetbacks; white teenage boys in hoodies and sagging jeans, white trash, communists, Democrats, women (of all races), etc.

Use a holster

Well, nevermind. You’re a criminal.


Man finds gun while on the job. Holds it until he can turn it over to police. Gets fired.

Good for sales

The Orlando Sentinel profiles George Zimmerman’s gun: The PF9

$699 for a crappy Steven Seagal movie

Or how to sell guns on Craigslist

Gun bubble: people fear zombies, Mayans and the robot Joe Biden army

Analysts says one reason people are stockpiling weapons and ammo is doomsday fears.

Roll your own

Looking to make an AK pistol from a parts kit. And those kits are expensive. When I did mine, they were $99.

Today’s enemy: stand your ground

Bloomberg in his quest for gun control keeps changing hobby horses. The latest is stand your ground laws. He’s not been successful at any campaign yet.

No grassroots

A look at the relationship of one man to various anti-gun groups.



Gun Porn

.22 revolvers

Odd guns

Taurus 82

Ruger 10/22 Take down


Compare and contrast

That thing looks unwieldy

May 15, 2012

Help a blogger out

Clayton Cramer:

I need every example that you can find where opponents of shall-issue laws claimed that there would be murder, mayhem, increases in road rage arguments escalating to gunplay, and so on, that you can find.

Here’s a list of ‘blood in the streets’ and here’s one of ‘wild west’. That’s a good start.

Bleg: Truck

I’ve officially abandoned any sort of attempt at gainful employment. I’ll keep some clients but I’m going to go work for me. I’m going to need a truck big enough to haul light equipment and tools. My last truck may have been too small for what I have in mind but I liked it fine. No GMs or Dodges since I will not give them my money. That leaves the Nissans, Toyotas and Fords. What say you?

The sad news, I’ll have to get rid of Tactical Car, and that really bums me out.

“It doesn’t bother me”

Hard hitting news team visits open carry state. Nothing happens.

Belt and holster in one

Check out The Gun Belt

The census

My rep. says the census goes too far:

But for U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., the detailed questionnaire the U.S. Census Bureau sends out to thousands of households every month is a little too Orwellian. It’s too intrusive, he said, and poses too many questions that are none of the government’s business.

“It seems to me that is Big Brother type of government,” the Knoxville Republican said.

I’d ignore it anyway. The whole agency is make-work jobs who need stuff to do the nine years they’re not working on the constitutionally required census. And I’ve had a few clients who get those monthly manufacturing reports. Those are such a waste of time.

Gun Porn part two

I have so much today, I can’t keep up:

What’s wrong with this picture? Nothing.

Moore’s Patent Revolver

Shotgun 4 round burst

Pics from Rapid Fire

Someone is running a business out of their home and that’s offensive

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is butthurt that someone is running and online gun business out of their condo. The company is LNC Arms.

Kill or stop?

Targets you won’t usually see. Regarding the incident in question, I’m with him. Center mass is easier to learn and more effective.

Can you tuck a bomb in a fat roll?



DIY Tesla gun is real and very dangerous

Tesla: Super Geek

The coolest picture you’ll see today

Is right here.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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