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Of course, they’re run by a socialist

Venezuela bans commercial sales of firearms. And if there’s two things socialists don’t like it’s commercial sales and people owning guns.

7 Responses to “Of course, they’re run by a socialist”

  1. mikee Says:

    Venezuela’s government has not only run out of other people’s money, they are close to running out of other people’s support.

    If the government does not have a monopoly on force, the disaffected populace (now almost everyone not in the government) will change things.

    I recall reading in US History class about how this “revolution” stuff works, and the Venezuelans are about to try it themselves.

  2. Jailer Says:

    I wonder how long it will be before they start herding people into the gas chambers?

  3. armed_partisan Says:

    Thus begins the genocide.

  4. rickn8or Says:

    On a brighter note, Pugsley’s cancer has “entered the end stage.”
    Hope it hurts like a bastard.

  5. ATLien Says:

    Yeah, Venezuela is about to get very interesting when Pugs starts his fireside tour of hell soon.

  6. Chas Says:

    Every dark cloud has its silver lining. Hugo Chavez is himself in the process of being banned. Permanently. Sayonara, you socialist lout!

  7. Ted N Says:

    Surprised face, this is.

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