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On the radio

Here’s a link to the recording of my appearance on The Squirrel Report. I’m about an hour or so in, I think. Things I mentioned include:

In the beginning, gun blogging was all about OMG LOOK AT THIS COOL PIECE OF GEAR. Now, it’s turning into look how much this piece of gear sucks.

A retard gun: it’s a gun with a laser/red dot and no manual safeties that you can give to someone who is not a shooter when the SHTF. It’s point and click, Baby.

One Response to “On the radio”

  1. Alan Says:

    Knowing a particular thing sucks is as important as knowing what is good.

    The Blogs have an advantage over the print media in that regard because everything is the “BEST EVER!!!” in magazines.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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