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Race and gun laws

David addresses a ‘study’ that concludes: Race Plays Complex Role in Florida ‘stand your ground’ Law

The conclusions reached in that bit are pretty ridiculous.

3 Responses to “Race and gun laws”

  1. Dave Says:



  2. mikee Says:

    Statistics should be left to trained statisticians.

    When I worked at a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant, all us process engineers would do all sorts of statistical tests all the time.

    When it was important, the smart ones among us went to one or another of the few actual statisticians in the place to get our work checked before presenting it. Saved me embarrassment any number of times.

  3. Lyle Says:

    The Enemy thinks it can still win by making everything about race. What was the name of that casino guy and his kid in South Park? Oh yeah; Runs With A Premise, and Premise Running Thin.

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