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There couldn’t be some other, logical explanation now could there?

Wasting my tax money, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is attacking civil rights by inquiring as to whether stand your ground laws are racially biased. Bringing the stupid:

Data compiled by the Wall Street Journal shows a near-doubling of justifiable homicides from 2005-2011 in states where SYG [Stand Your Ground] has passed.

As though that’s a bad thing? And look, scary numbers:

Moreover, their data shows that while white killers of black victims comprises only 3.1% of all homicides, such cross-racial killing constitute 15.6% of justifiable homicides.


A separate study by the FBI found “34% of cases involving a white shooter killing a black person were deemed as a justifiable homicide. Meanwhile, in similar situations, when the shooter was black and the victim was white, the homicide was ruled justifiable only 3.3% of the time.”

Yeah, I mean it must be racism. It’s not like there’s some other potential reason for that. I mean, that would be racist!!!!

6 Responses to “There couldn’t be some other, logical explanation now could there?”

  1. JD Rush Says:

    Look at the case in West Des Moines- while we have no SYG law, the persecutor (D) practically tripped over himself to go after a black man -Jay Rodney Lewis- who defended himself against a group of white attackers. The jury aquitted him within minutes. How would a case like that figure into their Because Racecard group? My guess is totally ignored.

  2. Ellen Says:

    I am getting so tired of being told I cannot notice, see, or think about the real world. EVERYTHING is turning into Lysenko-bait. And God help you if you take the bait.

  3. Guav Says:

    I can’t believe I’m linking to WorldNetDaily, but this is a pretty interesting tale of two cities:

  4. Scott Ganz Says:

    I attended a lecture about firearms and the law through a training outfit I use. Based on that, here’s my theory:

    I don’t think it’s simply increasing defense shootings. I think what’s happening is that existing defense shootings are moving into the justified column from the decline to prosecute column. The DA who spoke to us said that his office likes cases they can win. A clean enough defensive shoot is a loser case for them. Even a gun-hating liberal hausfrau will side with a gun owner over a home invader.

    Still, they don’t really need or care to deem the shooting “justified.” They simply don’t prosecute. Now, with SYG, they have more cover to justify it.

    That’s my crackpot theory anyway.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Funny. Under THEIR Insane attempt to get rid of SYG, I guess they are willing to let the 3.3% of the Minority Shooters who had their Shootings declared “Justified” go to Jail, huh?

  6. Mark Says:

    It’s an earth removal tool. It’s a landscaping facilitator. It’s a hole making device…
    But you can’t call a spade a spade. That would be racist.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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