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Be careful when you leave America

Bible college student harassed, searched, jailed and charged for carrying a pocket knife.

3 Responses to “Be careful when you leave America”

  1. Sid Says:

    When knives are outlawed…. the Barefoot Contessa can hide out in my kitchen.

  2. ATLien Says:

    Cops seem to cause more problems than they solve lately.

  3. SE Says:

    Yikes. I was just in NYC and had my typical Buck Lite knife with the clip visible on my pocket.

    I don’t know what the NY cops would consider a “gravity knife”, and can’t imagine how someone could get my particular knife to open without touching the blade, but what a hassle to get stopped by a cop over a 2.5″ folding knife.

    This makes my lovely Kalifornia home state seem like a Libertarian Utopia.

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