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Fast and Furious: No Deal

Issa disappointed, says contempt vote will go as planned. Can’t blame him since Holder’s deal consisted of letting them peak but they had to stop asking.

Meanwhile, anti-gun shills say stupid things.

3 Responses to “Fast and Furious: No Deal”

  1. Alan Says:

    Holder is contemptable for offering that asinine deal.

  2. bob r Says:

    peak –> peek

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    Always get a kick how the liberal press makes every attack on incompetent boobs like Holder into an attack on Obama. Yes, I think we can all agree that Obama and his cronies knew about and approved of (certainly in writing) of the Fast & Furious debacle. But the real issue (there we go again with confronting the facts!) is that Holder and the ATF were the tools/fools who dreamed it up and put it into action. They were party to mass murder and many other illegal actions. By drawing and quartering those guilty of such crimes and continual lying through their teeth…how exactly is this an attack on Obama if he and his own didn’t know anything about it and are utterly blameless? The liberals sure love to shift the focus, don’t they?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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