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Speaking of Dallas

Cop pulls over motorcyclist who was not speeding so he can get the footage from the rider’s helmet camera. Seems the cop thought the footage may show the group breaking the law. Never heard of probable cause? Then, later, makes up excuse to arrest him. Dallas Deputy Sheriff James Westbrook should be tarred and feathered.

9 Responses to “Speaking of Dallas”

  1. ATLien Says:

    Gotta quit reading comments on these articles. Lots of people love slurping cops, it seems.

  2. TomcatTCH Says:

    How else do you think we got here ATlien?

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    There’s an easy way to get to any cop you believe has done wrong. Just file an Internal Affairs complaint. It’s as easy as calling up Police Records on their public number, and requesting that they register your complaint, and give you the registration number. That kicks off a complete investigation, which in most Departments, is overseen by a Citizen’s Board of Review. If your PD or SO doesn’t have a Citizen’s Board of Review, start agitating for one.

    BTW, it sounds like the guy’s real offense was Failure to Ride a Harley in a Pack. This sort of crap doesn’t happen to bikers on Harleys, who regularly travel in packs, and below the speed limit. It might also have been because of the guy’s necessity to have a helmet cam. He was singled out because of his cam, and never forget that every cop learns, in OJT and the Academy, how to quickly spot a vehicle equipment violation which will make a legal stop possible. By now, the biker clubs all know this, and have warned their members about these violations, so this particular CR crowd must not be real organized.

    BTW, here is the original incident the cop spoke of:

    Sounds to me like Mark One Mod Zero punk behavior about to be repeated, so the officer had a good “nose”. Too bad he hadn’t read his Constitution, though…

  4. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    File not only an internal affairs complaint, but a complaint with the the state police licensing office.

  5. Divemedic Says:

    There is a developing distrust of police nationwide. While there are large numbers of people who support the cops no matter what they do, the general attitude in the public becomes more and more negative all the time.

    With the growing militarization of the cops, it is only a matter of time before things escalate to open bloodshed. So far, killings and violence between cops and citizens has been limited, and mostly with cops as the aggressors.

    That is eventually going to change, and things will get ugly.

  6. Robert Says:

    If he was going below the speed limit, charge him with obstructing traffic. Otherwise GFY Officer.

  7. John Smith. Says:

    Picture if had a LEGAL concealed weapon on him too… He probably would have been arrested for assaulting the police officer with intent to kill…

  8. Joe Says:

    This cop was wrong, and this guy arrested will win his Lawsuit which WILL result in a settlement.

  9. mikee Says:

    Moore’s lawyer, Hunter Biederman, reviewed the recording.
    “Here this officer decided to just go rouge and pull over the first guy he saw with a helmet camera on,” he said.

    Sometimes the journalist makes a typo, sometimes a deliberate slap through farce.

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