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News you can use

Good advice, read the whole thing: Why YOU should call the cops if you ever display your weapon

5 Responses to “News you can use”

  1. berda Says:

  2. breda Says:

    hey! I typoed my own name!

  3. Dan Says:

    I feel like this is sort of a specialized circumstance. If you pull your piece on a bad guy most of the time he probably isn’t going to call the cops on you because he doesn’t really want anything to do wit them.

    That said. It is still probably a good idea.

  4. Lyle Says:

    You’d better know your cops though. As often as not, if you call them for help they’ll try to make your life a living hell.

  5. Mike Says:

    I’m with Lyle on this one: beware.

    In this situation, it’s a crap-shoot whether responding officers will end up taking a statement or shooting you dead. You never know what kind of crazy-with-a-badge is gonna show up.

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