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It warms the heart

GunsSaveLife members collect junk guns and take them to Chicago for the gun buy back program. Raise $6K to send kids to gun camp. Awesome.

And so much for “no questions asked”.

4 Responses to “It warms the heart”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Awesome! This needs to be copied everywhere these exercises in futility break out until those idgits are bled dry.

  2. teke Says:

    Filled with 110% pure win there.

    They just need to set up a collectors table across the street offering to appraise and buy guns of value with clean records.

  3. Ellen Says:

    Quoth Teke: “They just need to set up a collectors table across the street offering to appraise and buy guns of value with clean records.”

    That’s not wise in Chicago. If such a table isn’t robbed, it’ll be arrested.

  4. bob r Says:

    “That’s not wise in Chicago. If such a table isn’t robbed, it’ll be arrested.”

    Maybe I’m missing something: what’s the difference?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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