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Pay up

NRA to be compensated by Chicago for attorney’s fees.

2 Responses to “Pay up”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Okayyyy, so any guesses whether the NRA will refund donations given to them specifically for the purpose of carrying that lawsuit?

    You’re not holding your breath are you? The color blue doesn’t suit your face.

    BTW, I used to belong to a gun club locally (NRA-affiliated), that had to defend itself from several lawsuits from a nasty, disgruntled ex-member. Donations were solicited for this purpose, and I gave, freely (even before assessments made the donations mandatory), but when the lawsuits were all won, none of the donors saw a dime returned despite the assessments to pay the lawyers.

    Seems as if an org has anything to do with the NRA, this policy always lurks, waiting to strike.

  2. Kevin Highland Says:

    with a 2010 census population of about 2.7 million that means every person pays almost 50cents for that lawsuit.

    I’m sure Chicago will happily find a way to get that much out of the populace in taxes or get tourists to pay for it by a small increase in Motel/Hotel taxes, or soda pop taxes.

    It makes me ashamed to say I live in downstate Illinois.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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