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The aliens are not coming.

9 Responses to “Twits”

  1. HL Says:

    The worst case scenarios are far more extreme than the best case scenarios. This is a terrible idea. In fact, any SETI type program that is based on broadcasting is horrible.

    The Best Case scenario is that no one hears the message, either because no one is out there, or that no one out there is as advanced as we are. Either works for me.

    Next Best I suppose is they come hear to cure our diseases and energy needs, and live in mutual repect with us…as we have with Native Americans.

    Pretty much any other scenario ends up with them scraping us of this world with their boot heel.

  2. Jennifer Says:

    I don’t know. They could be tasty and piss petroleum.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Considering it’s 35 years later to the date and likely 122 light-years distant, you’ve got a message latency of at least 279 years.

    The other thing to ponder about as we climb the radio technology ladder — from early spark gap, to AM radio, to narrow-band FM, to Single Sideband, to frequency hopping spread spectrum digital communications — is at the far end there the signal begins to sound more and more like random background static.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    They came and are here, but they look like Bath Salts…

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    >I don’t know. They could be tasty and piss petroleum.

    Heh, and with only one message in 35 years on the fundamental resonant frequency of hydrogen (more or less given Doppler shift), they also may have a really bad case of ADHD.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    On the gripping hand, they may be crippled by an endless series of resource-limited cycles.

    Crazy Eddy was a 72-second duration radio transmission.

  7. HL Says:

    I don’t know. They could be tasty and piss petroleum.

    Then nothing will change as our friends on the left will do anything to protect them, just like current illegal aliens, livestock, and oil reserves.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Have you had a look at the antennae we use to communicate with voyager? Any aliens within 100 light years and of sufficient technological development would have to have giant arrays of dishes aimed straight at us to have any hope of something from here peeking up out of the grass, then we’d have to be watching them just as closely. Not gonna happen, sorry to say, we’re NEVER going to have meaningful contact with any alien species.

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    They Came, They Saw, They Said “Get the Hell Out of Here! They KNOW it’s a Cook Book!”

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