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Oldest Congress Ever

I hear this ad on the local talk radio by Weston Wamp talking about how the oldest, most experienced congress ever is always fucking things up. Maybe we need new blood. Can’t find the ad online but I don’t disagree. Too may old farts who’ve been there too long.

The only thing worse is nepotism.

2 Responses to “Oldest Congress Ever”

  1. Lyle Says:

    I don’t care a whit about age, sex, race, religion, background, how many terms they’ve already served, hair color, fashion sense, or whether a Congressman has chronic bad breath. What matters is their principles (or lack thereof).

    Give me on old, syphilitic, one-armed, patch-eyed ten termer in a wheelchair with a drinking habit and poor grammar who fights for liberty.

  2. HL Says:

    He works for my next door neighbor, who told me is a stand up guy. However he came up short when I asked if he would vote for him. He said he agrees with WW’s fiscal beliefs, but thinks he is too socially conservative.

    Of course, the neighbor is a “Truther” so I had to take that with a grain of salt.

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