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Consider the source

Debating manliness at the New York Times

4 Responses to “Consider the source”

  1. HL Says:

    In a city where one not allowed to defend himself or family, or have an extra large soda pop, the definition of “manly” is going to be screwed up.

    If they passed a law in the name of equality and sanitation requiring the men of New York to to sit down to piss, I would not be surprised.

    But the points are well made. I am stunned how many men can’t manage any form of basic mechanical maintainance or simple construction.

    Do boys build clubhouses anymore?

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Defending manliness in the New York times is like….

  3. NotClauswitz Says:

    It’s NYC, do they mean “Manly” or just “Butch” -?

  4. Wolfman Says:

    Funny, though, I CAN build a house (I’m a carpenter), I DO hunt my own food, and I CAN survive without technology. Does that make me more manly than anyone associated the the NYT? Probably. And I’m good with that.

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