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Homeowner upset about ads for guns on buses, lack of Vagisil.

3 Responses to “Boohoo”

  1. ZCORR Says:

    Leave it to some inner city resident who is surrounded by “good kids that get mixed up with bad people” to start shouting “it’s the guns fault”.

    Want to know more about the residents of downtown Rochester? Just watch this…

  2. StanInTexas Says:

    This is the epitome of the Liberal mindset, whether it be about guns or religion or politics or sugary food. If a Liberal doesn’t like something, they think that NO ONE should be able to like it either.

    Begold, the party of tolerance and inclusion and CHOICE!

  3. HL Says:

    Vagisil must be used diligently. DILIGENTLY!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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