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Bless his heart

Leonard Embody keeps trying. And failing. Dude, seriously, leave it to the experts

14 Responses to “Bless his heart”

  1. Ambulance Driver Says:

    “Loaded AK47 pistol?”

    Was he reading Robb’s gun guide for journalists, or was the reporter?

  2. alanstorm Says:

    “Bless his heart” – I assume you mean that in the Southern sense?

  3. Oakenheart Says:

    Sadly, AD, it’s a Draco, which is an AK pistol.

    That said, Embody is an idiot. There are some people you wish weren’t on your side.

  4. Chris Says:

    Yes alanstorm, in every form of the Southern sense…

  5. Kristopher Says:

    AD: Embody = kwikrnu, a nutcase that got caught open carrying in a park a stockless AK pistol with a flash hider that was painted airsoft orange.

    He pops up on the various forums and blogs to tell us all how anti-gun we are. A websearch of his handle is very informative.

  6. Kristopher Says:

    And yes, TN law forbade what he did. Unconstitutional, yes.

    But Embody is definitely not TN’s answer to

  7. markofafreeman Says:

    The really sad part is that what he is trying to accomplish just might be achievable. But not by him nor his lawyer. Um, wait, isn’t he representing himself? Eh, still applies. 🙂

    Like Unc says, leave it to the experts. If you are going to do something illegal by statute (albeit, unconstitutional), for the purpose of challenging it, have a plan that has a chance in hell of working.

  8. Ted N Says:

    For a second, I thought Embody was the old guy on 60 minutes that’s always bitching about something. Oops.

  9. Chas Says:

    We have the right to keep and bear arms, except when we don’t. Same old, same old.

  10. Kwikrnu Says:

    The author of that article did not read the courts judgment.

  11. Kwikrnu Says:

    So many ignorant comments. My lawsuit challenged tca 39-17-1307. I am pro se and my case is solid. If I had broken any law 3 years ago why would they allow to sell machine guns and silencers?

  12. SPQR Says:

    Pro se is another word for loon.

  13. Kristopher Says:

    If your case is so solid, then why do you keep losing?

    And the reason you sill have your FFL and an SOT is because you committed a misdemeanor, and not a felony, retard.

  14. Kwikrnu Says:

    What misdemeanor? Wrong again.

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