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The NRA often takes it without warrant. A peeve of mine.

8 Responses to “Credit”

  1. Mike V. Says:

    There is no doubt the NRA does plenty of good work. But sometimes, and this is one of them, I am embarassed to be a life member.

  2. Breda Says:

    This is why I send my money to the SAF.

  3. John Richardson Says:

    I am a Life Member of both the NRA and SAF. However, my regular donations go to the SAF as well as the little bit I earn from commissions on my blog.

    I have always found this propensity to claim credit for other’s work by the NRA just tacky.

  4. HL Says:

    The NRA didn’t kill Bin Laden. Obama made that happen.

  5. MichaelB Says:

    Why isn’t the NRA nicer to the SAF? Is there bad blood from long ago?

  6. Dannytheman Says:

    OK… I always like to think of the NRA as the strategic and the SAF as tactical. It is this reason I send them both money.
    But in this case, Chris Cox glossed over the people who carried the water, and I agree he has done it previously. But I also acknowledge that together they make a good team. 4.5 million member helping to support the SAF. Had it not been for the NRA I wouldn’t have initially known about the SAF. (Just one man’s opinion)

  7. countertop Says:

    That’s just the nature of DC. I’ve had 20 different organizations take credit for work I did in the last week. They didn’t lift a finger or spend a dime – my clients did.

    After awhile you learn to deal with it. Solution is to Have your media consultant involved at all stages and have press releases ready to go.

    SAF of course is at a disadvantage because the press will call NRA. And NRA is competing for a finite supply of $$$ with them. Why wouldn’t they take credit if 1) the press gives it to them and 2) they have a HUGE financial incentive to do it?

  8. Jake Says:

    Why wouldn’t they take credit if 1) the press gives it to them and 2) they have a HUGE financial incentive to do it?

    Because it’s dishonest?

    I don’t know, maybe I’m just too old fashioned in wanting an organization to be honest if I’m going to send them my money.

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