What kind of car is your gun?
Heh. More interesting, what kind of gun is your car? I drive an Infiniti G37 BECAUSE RACE GUN and Ford F550 because shit ain’t gonna haul itself.
Heh. More interesting, what kind of gun is your car? I drive an Infiniti G37 BECAUSE RACE GUN and Ford F550 because shit ain’t gonna haul itself.
Jacob: While Romney’s record on the 2A is poor, he could have at least mentioned in passing the concern that many in the mainstream have that the operation was set up as a backdoor way of promoting gun control.
I wonder when he and John Kerry are going to go duck hunting?
The fallout at your local gun shop? Honestly, I’ll have to look at my next 4473. I just grab them, check “yes” on the first item and “no” on the rest.
A rant about gun magazines, and not the kind you stick in guns. Gun magazines are gear oriented. It’s true. Sure, the frequent piece on drills, training, or how to is shown. But mostly, it’s the gear. I’ve had several ideas for articles for the mag I’ve been known to write for but unless you can sneak some gear in, it’s not a real big draw.
Springfield/Warren 9mm 1911 Endurance Test: 2,287 rounds 0 stoppages 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages
No charges against the guy who opened fire on two miscreants who tried to rob an internet cafe. Video of the shooting at the link. A few notes and things to ponder:
You’re range training goes out the window. Seriously, that is not textbook. But that’s what I’d expect. If you’re getting a proper stance, you’re likely not in a defensive guns use.
The appearance of the shooter and, presumably, the fact he’s shooting causes the robbers to haul ass. They like it easy.
Pay attention to the bystanders. I found that interesting.
He pursued the robbers. But, hey, it’s heat of the moment and adrenaline is flowing. He chose fight not flight.
Unfortunately, both robbers lived.
Their midnight shoot is going on. I should have been there but, hey, concrete ain’t gonna pour itself. But other people are there:
Michael Bane: Tired but wide awake.
Tam: Also tired.
Nick has some video and is tired. Interesting to me, from video, how much you cannot see. Still, I’d like to be there. Tired.
The NSSF wants you involved in elections. Major civil rights cases decided by one vote!
Reminds me to mention that I still think Roberts is a genius with his Obamacare ruling. You see, the case can still be challenged. Roberts said it’s a tax. Well, you can’t challenge a tax until you pay it, per law. So, once someone starts paying it, he may get a libertarianish twofer. The first being the court actually acknowledges the commerce clause exists. And someone challenging a tax. Sure, I’m way out on a limb but you never know.
Chris Costa shows you how to make a holster, shows his boobs. Ok, made that last one up.
Crimson Trace Rail Master Tactical Light CMR-202. I got one of those in the mail and need to try it out.
Businesses are trying to gain market advantage, not by being competitive on service, products, and prices, but by getting the government to tilt the odds laws in their favor.
This is nothing new, really, and is like some forms of protectionism. Quite a lot of licensed professions merely serve as a racket for controlling entry into particular business and generating revenues for the state. Do you really need a license, for instance, to paint someone’s fingernails or sell homes? Sure, some jobs may actually require a certification for safety or competency reasons but given the current state of our legal system, I’d rather have a lawyer who was smart than one that just had a license.
And I say that as a CPA.
A fish hook that is also a gun. When you set the hook, it goes bang, killing the fish. Odd.
Other oddities here.
Cool. I was doing well on my challenge until this week, actually. I’ll make up for it.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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