Archive for July, 2012

July 17, 2012

Good for Corey Booker

More like this please: The so called War on Drugs has not succeeded in making significant reductions in drug use, drug arrests or violence. We are pouring huge amounts of our public resources into this current effort that are bleeding our public treasury and unnecessarily undermining human potential.

The year of the 9mm?

2010 was the year of the 380. 2011 looks like a bump in 9mm and larger calibers. With everyone making single stack and pocket 9mms, I’m not surprised. Except Glock, who I’ve been saying should do that for a long time.

NRA ups the heat on Maggart

Chris Cox has a piece in the Tennessean on how her actions are louder than words:

State Representative Maggart, the Republican Caucus Chair of the State House, claims she supports gun owners, but her actions tell a different story. This past year in the legislature she worked to kill life-saving legislation known as the Safe Commute Act. This common-sense reform bill would have allowed Tennesseans the ability to defend themselves against violence as they commuted to and from work. She blocked the bill from coming up for a full and fair vote through procedural maneuvering behind closed doors. I know – because I was there.


Cops go knock on wrong door in the middle of the night, home owner answers the door armed. He’s shot to death. Can’t blame the guy for answering the door armed, it’s what I’d do if I had to answer. But mostly, I just wouldn’t answer.

Signs, signs, every where signs

The urinal deuce?

Deal Alert

Smith and Wesson offering rebates to military personnel.

Gun Porn

Win this 1911 for a good cause

Mystery .50 caliber

July 16, 2012

Good question

Why is the ATF quoting Brady’s discredited statistics? I think I know the answer.

Unblogged open tabs

If it sounds too good to be true . . .

You know how I know he’s a Republican? Vetting.

We must ban cough syrup. We need posters like these that say BECAUSE METH.

Know your rights

Why you should: I’ve dealt with you.

All this over airsoft.

ATF Shotgun “Study”

It has been updated and NRA-ILA has a look

Getting a gun in DC

A how to guide for lawful possession.

In fast and furious news

Bar complaint called frivolous.

What fast and furious was a bout? The answer is simple.

A major award

The UN Arms Treaty

This pops up often enough and NRA says it’s a no-go. They’ll stop it.

Civil rights victory

Man not convicted of non-crime of open carry

Speaking of Amazon

A push for same day delivery. Well, overnight through Prime is already pretty sweet.

More guns

Less crime

Deal Alert

Savings on home security systems. Not the kind that go bang.

Albums for $5 or less.

And thanks to everyone who shops through the Amazon link. It puts money in my pocket.

Chicks and guns

First time shooter. A good read. Via Breda.

Black women with guns, in Texas.

Israeli woman at the beach with her AR and bikini. Seems it’s causing a stir.

Only the police should have guns

Video reminders

Consider the source

Debating manliness at the New York Times

Weaponized phone

iPhone stun gun case.

New Digs

Leupold gets a new design

Pondering dumping blogger. It’s a trend!

Eye protection

Why it’s a good idea

Gun Porn

My little pony guns . . . unrelated.


High Standard

July 15, 2012


So, I should be joining the cool kids somewhere south of Portland (but not much isn’t) at the Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Shoot thingie. Except that whole part about going into business for myself, which means my boss is an ass. So there’s that . . .

July 13, 2012

No soup for you

And by soup I mean blog! Come back later.

July 12, 2012

Death Match: Glock v. M&P

A good write up on why the author chose the M&P. I like both.

In Cali

Toy gun terror!!!

Jimmy Vowell. The Columbia County Environmental Compliance Manager, is a criminal

He unlawfully entered a woman’s home to give her a ticket for not mowing her grass.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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