Archive for July, 2012

July 10, 2012


Odd how the count stopped.

Uhm, wait

Tabasco is hot? My kids don’t even use it for ketchup:

Even my kids don’t use that weak sauce.

You know, if you didn’t have all these rights . . .

Bloomberg’s job would be so much easier.

Gun Porn

Sharps Model 1859 Rifle

Art of the sawed off shotgun. Well, why the Hell not?

Dude, it shoots underwater

July 09, 2012

73 year old grandmother reviews a Crimson Trace

A very cool review of one of my favorite products.

You dawg, we heard you liked weapons

A knife you can mount on your ARs picatinny rail. Because bayonets don’t exist.

Consequences of winning

Do gun nuts argue over stupid things because they’re winning and have nothing better to do?

There’s an app for that

ACLU app for recording the police and more.

I thought for sure it would be global warming

Gun fire to blame for wildfires.

Professional Agitators

NYPD warns those darn people who know their rights are exercising them. How dare they?

Expanding business

DragonLeatherWorks is now a FFL

Google relents on shopping and guns?

So reports the Firearm Blog. Then, not so much. Me, I still get the goose egg when I search gun stuff.

And boy are my arms tired

Not much time for internet and blogging, lately. Been busy doing the new gig. A few things:

When you go from driving a sports sedan to an Earth Fucker, it’s a bit of a difference. And when getting back in the car, if you stomp the gas like you have to in a turbo diesel, the car really goes.

Lost five pounds in three days.

I can now drive a Bobcat, poorly. I can either drive the it or operate the bucket. Not both at the same time. Doing both at the same time is kind of important.

The process of getting a license is the dumbest thing ever. It’s a test that is open book but there are about 400,000 books. So, you don’t have to actually learn anything to pass but you do have to learn how to find the answers. This is the internet age, that’s what it’s for. To look stuff up. Not in a book. Also, why not just put these all on, say, a Kindle so you can just hit the find button? I barely passed the practice test because I didn’t finish all the questions. The reason was that while other people knew what things were, I didn’t and would have to look those up in addition to answering the question. I mean, really, who’s ever heard of “mineral coated roll roofing”?

My Spanish sucks.

I’m digging manual labor. After years of desk jockeying, I developed a pain in my neck from, basically, sitting in the same position all the time. Spent big bucks at a doctor and chiropractor to get fixed a few times but it always comes back. After three days of shoveling, hauling, earth-moving, and carrying heavy stuff, it went away. Don’t plan on doing that forever but it’s important for learning.

These days, banks are a pain. But self-directed IRAs rock.

I need a company name and the kids are no help. I don’t think Poopy, Inc. would be very marketable nor is naming your company after your dog.

It’s hot. It’s even hotter inside a Bobcat. Seriously. The Frogg Togg is the greatest thing ever.

The kids like riding in the “big truck”.

LAPG’s bug out bag makes for a good tool and paperwork carrier. Curious to see how it holds up to heavy, heavy use.

Carrying is uncomfortable when you’re sweaty.

TSA Stuff

Uhm no: making passengers freeze on command.

Taking beverages at the gate. And a funny read.

Gun Porn

H&K 51

Cool looking custom grips

July 06, 2012


Customer shoots would be robber at a convenience store that has a posted no guns sign. Good thing two people chose to disregard that policy that day.

Speed reholstering

Pretty graphic pics of why that may not be worth doing.

Google “values”

What you can and cannot buy at Google shopping.

My family sticker

Heh. For reference.

I don’t like my guns how I like my women

When a dirty gun is good?

Mentioned the folks at GunsSaveLife netting money to teach kids to shoot from the Chicago gun buy back. Turns out, it made the news networks. Well, the Sun Times is butthurt about it and about America making fun of Chicago. I’d sum up their complaint but it’s already been done. Needs more WWAAAAHHH.

Fastness and furiousness

I know, not a word but I’m running out of headlines.

Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea file ethics complaint on Eric Holder with the D.C. Bar!

Speaking of, Buzz feed has a piece on David and Mike breaking the fast and furious scandal. They deserve a ton of credit.

The smoking gun. Well, another one but at least it’s not over the body of a dead Mexican.

I guess this as a first thought isn’t unreasonable in light of current events.

I see what you did there


News you can use

A review of an encrypted cell phone app

I like to assert my dominance by holding them on their back and rubbing their belly until their leg shakes

No, that’s dogs. I always forget

Well, she should see what we do when non-dick-bearing people are around. We actually whip them out. Kind of like how whenever to girls are alone it evolves into a naked pillow fight/make out session.

Chicks and Guns

more than 70,000 women between the ages of 51 and 65 got their concealed weapons permits here in the Sunshine State in May 2012 alone.

Lots of young girls at simulated marksmanship trainer

My daughter’s first gun

What makes one a gun nut

Caleb on his gun nuttiness.

Here’s a post I wrote on why I’m a gun nut from forever ago in internet years.

Guns and the young vote

We’re winning:

While some results seemed predictable, the gun answer did not. Fifty-five percent of the youngest respondents favor legal concealed weapons, which became law in Wisconsin last year. Support for guns declines as age increases, falling to 36 percent among those 60 and older.

“Whether you think it’s a generational change, or growing up with shoot-em-up games, or maybe they just haven’t decided ‘these things are really dangerous, I don’t want them around,’ ” Franklin says, the gun result illustrates a key point.

You cannot paint the young with a broad, liberal brush.

Focus and emotion

Why NRA is so powerful

July 05, 2012

No blog for you

Come back tomorrow. Neglected to queue any posts last night and today I’m learning to operate earth moving equipment. Not sure how that works exactly, since the equipment is smaller than the Earth.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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