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Some guy told me that

So it must be true.

Though it is odd how no one remembers young Barry.

14 Responses to “Some guy told me that”

  1. Andy Says:

    It is funny and odd that those transcripts are being kept such a secret. What’s on them or not on them? If he’s as smart as he says, it should be all As and they should be released. I’m with Root on this one, there is something really damning on there.

  2. HL Says:

    I agree. Something very fishy happened.

  3. Canthros Says:

    It’s odd, but … it could also be a lot of nothing. I wouldn’t want to be the dope that got roped.

  4. Sebastian the other one Says:

    Rivers Cuomo, the singer/guitarist/artistic force of Weezer went to Harvard and stayed in the dorms.

    When Rolling Stone asked him if anyone ever recognized him or bugged him for being a rock star, he said “nope, nobody ever said anything.”

    He didn’t seem to disappointed about it either. And he was a goddamn verifiable rock star when he went (this was after the blue album and El Scorcho).

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Well, at least we know what Romney’s 9th grade french grades were!

  6. ATLien Says:

    Rivers is a normal looking guy and he was a rock star to the college music-alternative crowd. So it’s understandable if no one noticed him at the time.

    I think I would remember the frakking president of the united states in my class.

  7. Bryan S. Says:

    I still think the theory that Obama faked being an immigrant for financial aid is a plausible one. That is, being born here and then faking his identity so he could travel to other countries and get tax funded help.

  8. MrSatyre Says:

    Good grades, bad grades, citizen, non-citizen…*yawn* Everyone here at SayUncle knows that in politics big money and dirty pool always win, regardless of the animal on the bumper sticker. We are pretty much guaranteed to never change anything this gov’t does if we get sidelined by this little crap. Obama’s just plain ineffective. He’s not kept any of his campaign promises that I’m aware of (should I be grateful…?). He’s in every sense of the word: useless.

    Which reminds me, the DNC is having another useless President as a keynote speaker (Carter). Why do I get the impression that Obama will be lovingly revered by future liberals as their generation’s Jimmy Carter?

  9. Manish Says:

    Foreign students don’t get government money. There may well be private scholarships for foreign students. That said, they do ask you for transcripts of where you went to school regardless. Also you don’t somehow stop being a US Citizen to become a citizen of another country and then trade back. The article misses some clear facts.

    Reid’s statement was a brilliant maneuver on his part, but even I don’t think he actually has a credible source. That said, Romney could do as every candidate since his dad ran for President has done, and release tax returns for many years.

  10. Manish Says:

    here’s what factcheck says

  11. Social Media Sebastian Says:


    Not sure if this has occurred to you, but he wasn’t the POTUS in the early 80s.

    Carry on.

  12. mikee Says:

    I recall the era when Carter was not only NOT a speaker at Democratic Presidential Conventions, he was not invited. He was in fact told to stay away and keep his mouth shut until the elections were over. Because he was so fondly remembered by all Americans for his time in office, I guess.

    So now this pariah is being brought back into public?

    I guess it will serve to remind those of us old enough to remember that we have seen an survived s^!+ like Obama once before.

  13. M Gallo Says:

    I’ve got a buddy with whom I went to high school (on the futbol team together, too) that found out he was a citizen of Brasil when he tried to apply for college and learned his mother had been using a fake SSN for him (she had since married a US citizen and was therefore a citizen as well). He had to attend UWL as an exchange student and I’m not sure if he’s ever been able to get citizenship (I only run into him every half-decade or so). Something similar happening to Obama wouldn’t be exactly out of the realm of possibility.

  14. SPQR Says:

    What’s consistent with the speculation is that Obama himself, in his book agent’s press kit, states he was born in Kenya. Now I don’t think he was born in Kenya, I think that its prima facie evidence that Obama had in that era claimed to be a foreign student.

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