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As Tom Givens likes to say “it’s just a pistol”

A look at gun shot wounds, from a doctor.

2 Responses to “As Tom Givens likes to say “it’s just a pistol””

  1. Brad Says:

    That video covered a lot of familiar ground, but was still fascinating in many respects.

    How about that .40 hollowpoint which failed to penetrated past the sternum deeply enough to penetrate the heart? Freak incident? Light reload? Or faulty factory design which emphasizes expansion too much at the cost of adequate penetration?

    The bit about skin being equal to about 4 inches of muscle tissue in terms of handgun bullet penetration was new to me. Gives a whole new perspective to hollowpoint handgun ammunition which penetrates less than 10 inches of ballistic gelatin, as some popular brands are marketed. I’m more convinced than ever that expanding bullets in a weak cartridge like the .380 ACP are a mistake.

  2. Brad Says:

    Hmm… another thing the doctors presentation highlights is the importance of blood loss. If bleeding out is the primary mechanism by which handguns shut down a person, it reminds me of bowhunting.

    Maybe a handgun round which over-penetrates a target is desirable because that way the target will bleed out faster? Maybe best of all is a bullet which expands AND over-penetrates?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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