Archive for August, 2012

August 24, 2012

In his defense, his mama did tell him too

A man broke into LL Cool J’s place and suffered a broken nose, jaw and ribs.

And a cool tune from the way back machine:

Gun Porn

Mossy 590

World famous gun writer Tom Kill.

August 23, 2012

Geez, you hurt yourself one time

And they make fun of you on internet radio.

So far out of the mainstream

The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Ownership thinks we should all become ninjas. Because, as ninjas, we can put down attackers no matter the size difference, with little to no damage done to the victim No, really. Trouble is, then everyone would become a ninja and the biggest ninjas would have an advantage. Oh and they’re so delusional it almost hurts. And they don’t believe that kung fu skills would be very helpful in self-defense or they’d try to have those banned.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Here, I thought that the whole fantasy of taking up arms against someone was one of those morbid fantasies my side was supposed to have. Note that Catherine Conroy wants to load up with guns and shoot you darn gun owners!

We should disarm the police!

And their goal that stuff NEVER happens has no basis in reality.

The TSA at work

Harassing a man for being brown and wearing a shirt making fun of them. And Delta airlines compounds the error.

Don’t text while drivi. . . er operating


Tactical Man Purse

Don’t go carrying it to the movies in Ohio. In fact, I tend to leave my tactical Tommy stuff at home.

Quote of the Day

Joe Huffman: How is it people can think communism is viable when even very small children and animals defend their property and territory?

News you can use

A demonstration on how to safely dismantle 3 common pistols, without shooting yourself

Tar and feathers

What he said. Seems he’s upset a girl said Hell.

NRA interviews Romney

Far from convincing interview, but Romney said he’d sign the reciprocity bill.

Use your own water fountain

In CO, instructors can’t refuse to serve folks with carry permits.

For the children

We must ban wolverine claws and bras.

And David wins best pun on the internet today with that last link.

5 dumbest drug laws in America

And the Sudafed registry didn’t even make the cut.

Concealed Carry Neighborhood

A neighborhood in Tulsa put up a sign telling folks they are probably strapped.

GBR stuff

Win a Ruger

Gun Porn

Iver Johnson Sealed 8 Revolver

MS-BS 556

August 22, 2012

Do not try to catch a dropped gun err runaway trailer

The crew had dug a hole in the ground and, as per law, we needed to put some Caution tape around it. So, I grudgingly set forth and lamented I wasn’t doing the world any favors. I mean, if you fall in a hole in the ground because you’re not looking, you kind of have it coming. If a warning label saves you, Darwin didn’t get his. Warning labels: polluting the gene pool for decades.

Then, a bit later, unhooking a trailer and the trailer got away and was rolling downhill toward my money err house. I decided to stop it by grabbing it. This was extraordinarily stupid but you sometimes think correctly and sometimes don’t when things happen quickly. At the same time, my Bobcat operator was heading the trailer off with the Bobcat. He hit it from the right and I grabbed it from the left. Well, Bobcat beats skinny white boy and the trailer hitch swung right into my leg and knocked for a flip. I got up, dusted myself off, checked me out (hey, how you doin’?) and was content that I wasn’t bleeding. But it fucking hurt. Then, my foreman informs me that I have a hole in my ankle. I look down and say Wow, I can see the bone. There it was, white and eerily magnificent sort of like my vasa deferentia. But definitely bone. It wasn’t bleeding much. I got out a first aid kit, stuffed the hole with neosporin, plugged it with a bandage and drove myself to the walk in clinic. At the doc, it started bleeding like mad.

They cleaned it out, scolded me for stuffing it with neosporin since that also happens to keep bacteria in. I should have washed it first but no water on the site. Out of it, they pulled two pieces of metal. And into it, they sewed three stitches. The doc said I was pretty lucky for a guy who had been leg swept by a trailer hitch. Whatever hit me went right in and came straight out, no doubt due to the force disparity between a skinny white dude and an earth-mover. If it had gone in and moved around a bit, I could have been in a serious hurt.

As to what hit me, my foreman called me up later to inform me that he checked out the trailer and that on one of the bolts holding the trailer jack there sat my flesh. Kind of disgusting. He left it there for me to see in the morning. So, a 1/2 inch-ish head of a lag bolt entered my ankle, struck bone and came out.

It still hurts. Actually, it’s not my ankle that hurts. It’s my calf, which the doc said likely hurts because of the shock of lag bolt nailing the bone with the force of a 9,000+ pound vehicle moving at more than running speed.

Having this happen right after I was shaking my head at the state of things regarding Caution tape, I thought maybe the universe was trying to tell me something. But probably not since it doesn’t talk much.

I could have blogged, but I wrote this instead. See you tomorrow. I do rather wish I took a pic of the bone but I was trying to doctor myself.

Update: And when I got home, Junior made me a plate for dinner and a get well card. She’s awesome.

August 21, 2012

Concealed carry in Illinois

And then, there were 49.X.

Good news from the last civil rights hold out: State’s Attorney Mike Valentine of Edwards County, IL is refusing to prosecute residents of that county for carrying concealed firearms so long as they are otherwise law-abiding citizens. Moreover, it looks like other Illinois State’s Attorneys might be joining the bandwagon.

Stop touching it

And get a stiff one

I’ve carried a gun for a long time. Never had a problem in the shitter. I’m with Sebastian, unholstering is not the best idea.

Organized suppressor competitions

Or, you know, don’t limit their use in other competitions. The rise of suppressors is good and onerous laws restricting the safety equipment should be repealed.

Chicks and guns

In NY, they noticed the trend of more women getting guns.

I used to wonder what people were thinking. Now, I don’t care

Putting on combat gear and jogging around with an airsoft gun is stupid.

When seconds count

Police are two days away.

Speaking of zombies and shark jumping

Spawn of the dead and other sportsmen things go zombie. A zombie deer, even.

Having jumped the shark

I’m quite happy the zombie meme has anti-gunners crapping their panties. It’s useful again!

Turning libertarian

We all do that, when it’s our money. Unclaimed property laws are a total sham.


I find it highly unlikely but if Obama passed three times on killing Osama, that’s pretty weak.

A pattern

Kind of like Fast and Furious, the DOJ’s informant armed the Black Panthers.

Flying with a gun

It’s easier than transporting one in DC. It’s actually quite easy and worth it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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