Group claims to have Romney tax returns
I don’t see that working the way they said but that’s the claim. Besides, I’d bet $100 that the Obama campaign already has the returns since they know people at the IRS.
I don’t see that working the way they said but that’s the claim. Besides, I’d bet $100 that the Obama campaign already has the returns since they know people at the IRS.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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September 5th, 2012 at 7:05 pm
This is pretty interesting. Anonymous has never crossed over into physical crimes and burglary. I doubt very much it is in fact anonymous. Yes, I’m sure the BHO machine has those returns. It’s kind of funny that Romney has not been audited to death.
September 5th, 2012 at 7:34 pm
Bullshit. If someone has signed copies and is going to release them, they came from other than the accountants office.
Almost all accounting firms do this the same way (and I can say PWC does the same): multiple copies are generated from computer and the client signs one that is sent to the IRS and state agencies. I sign dozens of the damn things twice a year – once for the extension and once for the final. Also the stuff in between. My CPAs don’t keep signed returns on paper or scanner. The only thing they keep are the power of attorney and related forms I sign for them so they can work on my behalf.
If you see signed returns, they probably came from a state or federal source. Finding which copies got pilfered won’t be hard – you have to sign each copy. That means every state gets an original copy of the federal and the state return, each with an original signature. With some states, you have to send an originally signed copy of every other state return. That means if Romney kept copies of his signed pages (I do), then it should be easy enough to figure out which ones got pilfered. He just needs to compare the signatures. Nobody ever gets them exactly the same each time. They’ll all be a bit different.
Keep in mind Romney files (at least) in NY, MA and CA. Each agency in this states will have near-complete copies of all his returns, especially the federal 1040. If the annexed schedules are incomplete, that is another sign these came from a government source. CPAs keep all schedules, but the states only get the top-line forms (generally, some schedules are used universally).
Axelrod has done this in two of Obama’s previous elections. Sealed court documents suddenly showed up that made Obama’s competition look bad. Nobody ever got busted for it, either. This alone makes me think there is a chance we’re going to see these leaked, and that this story is just BS to cover tracks.
September 5th, 2012 at 10:29 pm
In other news, some group attempted to break into Columbia to steal Obama’s college records, but they couldn’t find any.
September 6th, 2012 at 12:45 pm
Note, the bill of crimes now includes attempted blackmail. Which got the Secret Squirrels involved, and makes it less likely to be a Permanent Campaign Committee black bag job, unless their tools are freelancing. In which case, God have mercy, because their employers won’t.
September 6th, 2012 at 8:09 pm
The eternal optimist ponders the thought:
Hmmm, Nixon had Watergate……