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Human Shields

Hippies think doing the can-can will keep them safe.

4 Responses to “Human Shields”

  1. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    Talk about lazy, did they really just recycle the old pro-gun statement “guns don’t kill people, people do?”

  2. chris Says:

    You gotta love hippies – they gratuitously place themselves at the bottom of the food chain.

    Kind of like tourists trying to get up close and personal filming a grizzly bear which views thems as a protein source.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I wonder how well the Can-Can would work in the REAL World? Maybe they should go over to Syria and test it out?

  4. Rich Says:

    I like it and they were close. It should be, “Guns don’t protect people…. people do. And it helps if they have guns”

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