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How Republicans can get me to the polls

By going after TSA. More like this please.

4 Responses to “How Republicans can get me to the polls”

  1. nk Says:

    I’ve been “prechecked” since July, 2000, that I know of for sure. Nobody gives me or the family a second look.
    (July 14, 2000, the carabinieri at Milan did not even open my passport, just pushed it back and said “Bye”.)

  2. FishOrMan Says:

    Do you really consider having a polite conversation, (following Robert’s Rules of Order), with the man currently in charge of a group of child molestors and those sexual assaulting travelers at random, (and defending the “policy” which some how makes these assaults legal), “going after the TSA”???

    And wasn’t it just earlier this summer we were reminded that TSA would be turning their groping into a roadshow at bus and train stations? Where was the reform talk then… must have thought it was too far away from the election to sway your vote?

  3. the dude Says:

    Funny I see this post today. I start drug testing TSA agents tomorrow ’till the weekend.

    And they gotta do what *I* say.

  4. Erin Palette Says:

    @the dude: I’m sure Uncle would be happy to start up a donation collection in your name if you’d agree to make ’em cry.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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