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Why we win

We have a lot of Japanese executives that come and visit or live in The City (My The City) that work for a local very big manufacturer. When they get here, the immediately do two things: 1) go to a strip club and 2) go shooting.

I guess the latter is pretty common among visitors.

14 Responses to “Why we win”

  1. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for the link.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Well Knoxville sucks for strip clubs so that just leaves guns…

  3. Pop N Fresh Says:

    if only we could combine the two now……………..

  4. Fuz Says:

    If you ever get to Guam, walk along the strip where all of the resorts are built. These resorts cater heavily to the Japanese tourist. There are several shooting ranges on that strip, with rental blasters. They lurves them some shooting on vacation.

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I guess I’m inured to the shooting aspect, so the stripping is more… well, I guess I’m inured to that as well. Let’s go shoot some stuff, man!

  6. comatus Says:

    Wot no moonshine. Some People just don’t know what’s good.

    And yet, in Liege there is a whole museum dedicated to the work of John M. Browning. They call him “Le Maitre.”

  7. HL Says:

    if only we could combine the two now……………..

    If we could get boating and drinking involved too, you’d really be on to something.

    Actually, I have experienced all four combined. Let me tell you, that was a hell of a weekend. No, I wasn’t in the Navy.

    There were not any Japanese present, however.

  8. Steve T. Says:

    During Elvis Week in Memphis, at Rangemaster we’re flooded with English tourists, the vast majority of which are women.

  9. Geodkyt Says:

    Quite a few Japanese anime directors and illustrators do the “Guam Shooting Tour” thing, so they can do a better job getting the details right in their films.

    Plus, Japan is really filled with repressed gun nuts — they INVENTED an entire industry of: first 1:1 plastic model kits, then filed strippable metal dummy guns, then cartridge-fed cap guns (including fully auto), and finally airsoft. . . all to feed the gun nut jonesing their laws (and frankly, geography) deny them.

  10. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    If you have a tragic boating accident, all your guns may be casualties. Think about it.

  11. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Bet they sell a boatload of hunting licenses also…

  12. Phelps Says:

    The British men love to shoot when they come here, too.

  13. Geodkyt Says:

    Evilwrentch — not if you have an AR-7 {grin}

  14. Grayson Says:

    I have been told that,if a Japanese executive can show (with pictures and/or video) that he has taken and passed a course in safe firearms handling, there is a good chance that he will get put on the fast track to better pay and greater status in the company.
    A Japanese gent once explained to me that it’s a curious balance of machismo (or the Japanese equivelant) and demonstrating that one is responsible enough to properly handle firearms, which are of course utterly proscribed by law in Japan.
    Also, he said that taking a firearms safety course in the continental U.S. tends to raise your status a lot more than having fun in Guam – but going all the way to the U.S. on vacation eats a lot more disposable income.
    Interesting stuff – But, yet another sign that we are winning.


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