Archive for September, 2012

September 10, 2012

Feeling safer

Brad Pitt feels safer with a gun. No, Mr. Pitt, you are safer with one.

Good to know

Kids at Colorado school oppose segregation. Hope for the future!

No reason not to

Cars can safely travel at higher speeds. And I’m glad to see Texas upping it to 85MPH in some areas.

Technology and kids

It’s funny how they react to it. I mentioned before how they’d gone so long without ever seeing a commercial or a phone with a chord on it. They also didn’t have any idea how to roll down the windows in my F550, which actually has non-automatic windows, which I didn’t think they made anymore*.

But they discovered Google Earth and were checking out our house. Junior went outside to see if The Second could see her. I laughed a lot. Then explained to them that that was an older picture.

* We could have an entire conversation about things that you no longer see in or on cars.

But I read on the internet that if an AR gets dirty it will explode and also maybe not work

Video of an AR-15 dirt test

I hear iPhones are easy to use

But the president can’t operate one and blames others for it. The latter is expected, of course.


Security guards take a man’s gun, won’t return it unless he pays them $500.

Gun Porn

Smith & Wesson E Series Railed 1911 Review

All time favorite sub gun

Crimon Trace’s first green lasers

Aim Point Pro review and pics

Why you never tell a smart ass to “spruce” it up


Because he will

September 09, 2012

Beer guzzling hillbillies versus NYPD

But I’ve never seen Joe drink a beer

The bottom line is that a bunch of beer guzzling, uneducated hillbillies shot 352 shots hitting no-shoot (innocent bystanders) targets twice and had three misses.

In defense of the NYPD, the hillbillies didn’t have anyone with a gun potentially shooting back.

Criminals and the guns they carry

The most popular is Ruger.

Bring enough gun

The first rule is have a gun. The rest is details.

Big Bore

It’s no .57 magnum but . . .

Gun handling

Why would you need to do a barrel roll with a gun?

Stop touching it.

Layers of editorial oversight

Tragic tale but I doubt it was really a 40mm sig.

I need a .57 Magnum

Hey, I know that guy

Dennis of Dragon Leatherworks makes the TeeVee for his custom holsters.

In fast and furious news

Suspect arrested in Terry’s death. No comment from Holder.

Africa is safer

Than Chicago.

NYPD needs more training

After shooting 9 people in a mass shooting that involved mostly NYPD guns, they’ve shot someone else.

Guns and the market

A look at gun stocks. No, the other kind.

Chick Fil A and guns

The one in Knoxville is not going to post anti-gun signs. Good.

T-Rex jokes

I love these. And another.

In anti-gun people news

CSGV says it’s OK for the .gov to round people up and put them in internment camps. Realizes that was stupid then says they didn’t say it.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Jesse Jackson wants to ban all guns.


In the news

Someone I’ve met before, Nikki Goeser.

Hey, Kool Aid

Another one. And what is with financial types and blogging?

Gun Porn

Photos of an AR that was on fire

Slim dagger

Cool pic with lasers

September 06, 2012

A decade

I managed to miss that my own blog turned 10 a week ago. Wow.



Yearly Physical: Post Four Oh

So, I’m 40 for the better part of the year now. And this changes things when you go for the annual physical, which I had today. They want to scope your front and your rear. I told them I had that done already due to some GI issues blogged a bit back. So, no DP from me this year. Then, he was checking out the franks and beans. Satisfied my dudes weren’t hard as rocks (apparently, when dudes get cancer they become less sensitive and hard as rocks so the test is a squeeze to, I suppose, see if you say “ow! fuck!” or not), he then decided to play with frank with a full on fondle asking about abrasions, injuries and so forth. None I would admit to. While doing so, he looks me in the eye and says “any trouble getting erections?” and I say “No. Do you need to see?” Awkward. But funny and I’d so say it again.

Then the doc plays cave explorer in my pooper for a bit. They should at least leave the room after handing you the tissue to wipe the lube off your bum. Kind of odd doing that in front of someone. And, you know, the fact he’s chatting about things with his finger about 100,000 miles up the Hershey highway just before. But, what else are you supposed to do? Then again, what am I supposed to say that doesn’t sound like it came from a porn movie. Also, according to the doc, if all men lived forever, they’d eventually get prostate cancer. Seems producing ejaculate is not real healthy for you. Though, also according to the doc, getting rid of it regularly is.

And I need an eye appointment. Not to check vision but to check for eye cancer and other things.

Getting old is serious business.

The good news is I’m in good health.

September 05, 2012

Meanwhile, at DemCon

Senator proposes to ban America’s most popular rifle.

Deal Alert

Deals on hunting and fishing gear. And 40% off on Night Owl optics.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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