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In Cali

Governor Moonbeam signs ban on the open carrying of long guns.

8 Responses to “In Cali”

  1. Dave Says:

    Yeah, all that OC attention whoring really attracted a heck of a lot of attention. Maybe they can OC airsoft as a protest. Looks like attention whoring OC activists need to change their public education tactics.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Remember who they’re facing, though; this may be the push needed to get the laws overturned entirely, as long as SCOTUS hasn’t deteriorated by the time it gets to them. Certainly wouldn’t expect much from the 9th circus.

  3. mikee Says:

    I would go easy on the OC attention grabbers.

    Us and Them both knew what kind of a governor California elected. It was now, or a week from now, that this ban would happen, and be blamed either on the OC folk now, or a shooting a few days later, or the phase of the moon and the sounds it caused in the Governor’s head.

    Because government control is what this is about, not guns and how they are carried.

  4. TIM Says:

    Yet Another Great Idea Drummed Up By These Idiots.I Swear All They Want Living Here Is Criminals And Foreign People.

  5. Huck Says:

    Tim, I believe that it’s more like the clowns in Suckramento want to make honest citizens into criminals. Give them more time and it’ll be a crime in Kaliscrewya to practice any of your Constitutionally guarenteed rights.

  6. Jerry Says:

    I blame Linda Rondstat. And, by default, Bush.

  7. comatus Says:

    OK Jerry, I’m laughing. I read that as “by extension,” and was looking for Mike Nesmith and the Stone Poneys. By default, of course, it is always Bush.

  8. Kirk Parker Says:

    California just keeps better; what’s the projected date now for when expect to have every last problem solved?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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