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Gun room explodes

Idaho rep’s wife injured. Not sure what happened but be careful out there.

3 Responses to “Gun room explodes”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    I don’t know what the actual issue was, but don’t store reloading powder in anything other than the original container (which have been carefully designed to vent rather than explode), and don’t store those containers inside of a gun safe, ammo cans, or anything else that could build up pressure and explode.

  2. Jerry Says:

    Read ‘Heat’ up. A half a can of gasoline will expand beyond belief. And the fumes can get you dead.

  3. Beaumont Says:

    I’ve read comments from folks who live in that area saying that the husband was an avid black powder shooter. BP is very finicky stuff to store, preferably in a separate building.

    I seem to recall a similar incident in the Greater Knoxvegas area, twenty-odd years ago, involving poorly stored black powder & a residential kB.

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