Careful, now. $140 plus million …. Next thing you know, the IRS will be extorting payments based on that value, and penalizing you because, though you could have, you chose not to sell as a means of “defrauding” the organized crime gangs in the District of Criminals of their rightful valuta.
October 11th, 2012 at 8:41 pm
Tis a crock. I can’t put in ‘’ as it assumes every website starts with www.
October 12th, 2012 at 10:46 pm
Careful, now. $140 plus million …. Next thing you know, the IRS will be extorting payments based on that value, and penalizing you because, though you could have, you chose not to sell as a means of “defrauding” the organized crime gangs in the District of Criminals of their rightful valuta.