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Careful with the sync

Students suspended for seeing naked picture of their teacher on her iPad. Why?

5 Responses to “Careful with the sync”

  1. Jake Says:

    So, what is the media not telling us. Because I have a hard time believing that even school officials are that bloody stupid.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    They are not telling us that the are the fucking stupid.. That is the problem.. Admitting publicly that you fucked up suspending students because the teacher was incompetent.. No different than those Morons who suspended the kids for eating “PILLS” and when they found out they were mints suspended them for eating and unlabeled candy!!

  3. Robert Says:

    I don’t say this often, but that’s lawsuit time right there.

  4. Ted N Says:

    Just when you thought you found the bottom of the stupid pile…

  5. Paul Says:


    I never got to see any of MY teachers naked when I was in high school! Were were those teachers? I could have used some hands on sex-ed by a nice 25 yr old female teacher!

    And BTW, we traded GUNS in the high school parking lots back then! Yes teachers and students did that in the 60s. No biggie back then.

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