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Justice Kagan likes to hunt and hopes to bag an antelope. Granted, hunters aren’t always gun rights proponents but I think it’s a good sign.

6 Responses to “Hunter”

  1. Says:

    Justice Kagan has expressed in her confirmation hearings and in her personal behavior an understanding of 2nd Amendment precedent and philosophy that is comforting to gun owners.

    Just like Justice Sotomayor, before the vote on McDonald v. Chicago, where Justice Sotomayor voted that there is no individual right to self defense, let alone one using firearms.

  2. jamieb Says:

    Not a very good sign unless you only care about hunting, and only care about being rich and connected and being able to jet around the world, likely for free to hunt.

    This is like saying some third world tyrant, or third world abusive mine owner is a good guy because he demands his children be treated with respect. Yes, they believe this for them, not for us. We are not them. Us does not = them.

    She will not be hindered in any way, ever from hunting so long as she lives, she can go hunt in much of the world, for free, and rub shoulders with despots.

    Infact this says she does not understand the intent or the context of 2a and why it is there. It says she thinks its for hunting. Which means she thinks it can be taken away, or limited to only hunting.

  3. Fin Says:

    How “Zumbo” of her.

  4. rickn8or Says:

    Sort of like Ann Richards at the skeet range shortly before she lost her re-election bid to E-eville George Bush. Not that her vetoing of CCW legislation had anything to do with it.

  5. Todd S Says:

    I wonder if Scalia got her interested in hunting?

  6. Cargosquid Says:

    I hear that a certain ex-Vice President likes to hunt. Maybe HE can take her….

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