Archive for October, 2012

October 17, 2012

Sometimes, this entertaining me thing goes too far

Foul language, you’ve been warned.

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The Brady Campaign To Get Some Attention Dammit wants to prohibit those on the terror watch list from buying guns. Which is funny since one of their spokesmonkeys is on such a list. So, their spokespeople are clearly terrorists.

Church and state

Interesting challenge to Georgia’s ban on carrying guns in church.

Just post-debate thoughts

Not sure which candidate won with the public vote but it seemed Romney won the rhetorical battle. Obama seemed mostly insulting and annoyed, though they both had some intense moments. But I do know who lost. The media. The moderator was awful and made a few serious flubs. The number of interruptions of Mitt were more than those of Obama, who also got to speak more. And the press is saying Obama is back. I don’t know that he was gone. But I guess they have to say stuff like that for ratings.

Gun Control Money Dump

From Bloomberg.

We need affirmative action!

Race based preferences for TV show characters protected by first amendment. Next thing you know, we’ll have black Norse gods. Oh wait. But I am going to go ahead and say that, yeah, I’m pretty sure none of the Norse gods were African.

There’s an app for that

A database of your location history that is searchable by the police.

Creating terrorists to save us from

The feds, again

So, Obama went for the gun control

As mentioned earlier, in the debate he called for a ban on the most popular rifles in America. So, why now? Jacob has a hunch. We all kind of knew that anyway. In other news, he acknowledged a right to self defense.

Romney and the assault weapons ban, the the good, the bad and the meh. In 2008, he went out and bought himself a NRA life membership just before tossing his hat in the ring for a presidential run. I would not call him a friend of gun rights but he’s at least not openly hostile, which could have been said of Obama until last night.

Poor timing for Obama, since tactical is mainstream.

The Brady Campaign responds poorly. Well, they are short staffed.

And I’m sure a ban on self-loading rifles with certain features matters to the 23M unemployed

Concealed Carry in Illinois

One county plans to ignore state law and get passed.


Yeah, pretty much caused by politicians

Romney’s Tax Plan


Gun Porn

Conversion Kit for 5.45mm for the X95 Assault Rifle

Captain America’s Shield

H&K’s New HK416, with less you suck and we hate you.

Robb should have got this guitar.

October 16, 2012

The women vote

Mitt Romney just told the President of the United States of America to sit down. And he did. Who’s the alpha male?

Gun Control In The Debate

Obama offered gun control talking points including wanting to ban the most popular sporting rifle in the country. Romney displayed an understanding of current gun laws, that machine gun are banned. Brings up fast and furious only to be interrupted by the moderator.

Update: So, Romney gets interrupted on guns for talking about fast and furious. But Obama can yammer on about nothing but NRA endorsements and nothing. But when he finally goes around his ass to get to his elbows about teachers growing the economy, that finally warrants moderator intervention.

Debate, live blog until I get bored: I only made it 10 minutes last time.

Romney makes case. Obama says he’s lying, babbles.

Romney would do better if it wasn’t for his record. Coal and all.

Hmm, that probably works for Obama too.

Hey, Obama, answer the fucking question.

Wow, that line about gas prices drew audible gasps..

it’s early, but Barry is getting his ass kicked.

Moderator sucks and doesn’t know the rules.

All the talk of green energy and Romney doesn’t bring up their failures?

Romney says stuff. And Obama says “one time, Romney said this other stuff”

Somebody needs their teleprompter.

Romney scores a good point on small businesses being taxed as individuals.

Romney supports the Bush tax cuts, just like me!

Moderator: I know you’re making a point Romney, but fuck you.

And, I’m bored.

One more thing, I guess Obama had it easier debating McCain, who was dumb.

TSA at work

Makes terminal woman lift her shirt and remove her bandages. Classy.

Off week

Only 5 killed in Chicago.

Case to watch

Interesting Michigan case. Man does dumb thing with fake gun. Gets police called on him, who come and take all of his guns. They find an illegal shorty shotgun. He’s convicted but petitions to have his lawfully owned guns returned to his mother. This all occurred without forfeiture proceedings. So, a judge ordered them returned. Their return is being appealed by the prosecutor.

Justice Stevens: Still a moron

I’m amazed that someone who would say:

Maybe you have some kind of constitutional right to have a cell phone with a pre-dialed 911 in the number at your bedside and that might provide you with a little better protection than a gun which you’re not used to using

Is considered a legal expert, much less was a supreme court justice. Of course, given his sloppy dissent in Heller, it’s not surprising.

More Denny Henny

After these posts here, here and here, I wonder. I wonder if his apparent subbing of him by The Brady Campaign To Remain Financially Solvent was because he didn’t want to be associated with them. Tough being on the wrong side of history.

Well, of course

Holder, in his official capacity, asks court to drop fast and furious case.

“Brush up on their firearm skills”

A bulletin issued to the NYPD, who has a bad habit of shooting people that don’t need shot.

He didn’t shoot the bird

Game wardens investigate man who ate a bird that died after flying into his window.

Debate prep

I would bet one beer that neither fast and furious nor Benghazi come up. Well, the latter might but don’t expect much. Also, Hillary taking one for the team? Not likely.

Liberal questions favored by 2:1


Moderator to disregard debate agreement. Actually, I rather like this one.

Gun Porn

Masking tape gun


October 15, 2012

Speaking of Florida

On the stretch from the I75 into Orlando, you can tell you’re in a swing state based on billboards. Mind you, one in every two billboards (and there are a lot) were pro-life ads. But quite a few of the others consisted of things like Defeat Obama and OMG! OBAMACARE WILL KILL US ALL. I’m paraphrasing but there were a lot of them. They were anti-Obama. Not one was actually for Romney.

And now, NRA is running an ad there that says the same thing.

Take it for what it’s worth because I also saw a billboard that read:

Oh my God, Becky, look at this ad. It is so big . . . I like billboards and I cannot lie.

I wish I’d managed to get a pic of that.

I’ll miss him

Dennis Henigan has left the Brady Campaign To Cling To Relevancy without so much as an announcement, pat on the back, or any fanfare at all. I could be polite and say he was a worthy opponent but then I’d spend eternity in Hell for lying.


In FL, the AG says that because carry permit holders are a minority that it’s OK for police to presume it’s illegal.

Risk and reward

A parenting blog looks at gun safety.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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