Archive for October, 2012

October 15, 2012

Meanwhile, at ATF

On staff grief counselor blows off agent, goes drinking. He killed himself.


Vs. Communism. Heh.

More projection

Jesse Jackson opens mouth, bullshit comes out. To be expected.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Because they think pro-gun people are violent.

He was once funny and smart. What happened? Life as a hack, I guess.

Sexy Car Ad

Both the woman and the gun!

About your email

Yes, I have it. I may have even read it. But I’ve been pretty busy and will get around to it at some point. Times get busier with my new favorite four letter word “SOLD”.

Gun Reviews and Reports

Colt Delta Elite in some obscure caliber no one I know uses.

Costa Ludus Shotgun Employment

Savage 110BA, it’s sexy.

Gear that works

Balloon Goes Up now has a store of just that.

Function check all ammo

And listen to Tam

In Cali

PSH because a man lawfully transferred a a rifle from his car to his residence, which I think in Cali requires a 3 day wait.

Getting the word out

Brad Pitt calls the drug war a “charade”

Gun Porn

Project house gun. I dig the build. Though I’m becoming a fan of midlength handguards.

Scally Hill Systems Mk4 Rifle

Surgeon Rifles, those look sexy.

His and hers pocket cannons

Because it amuses me


October 14, 2012

Less drama, more dead zombies

A few minutes into The Walking Dead and they have that. Also, they finally got ARs, AKs, and suppressors. Like I said.

And everybody gets a gun but the black guy, who has a fire iron. Racists!

Update: Zombies in SWAT gear! Brilliant.

Ammo Candles

Very cool:

I must have this

Semi-automatic and revolver power screw driver.

The last piggyback ride

Things to think about. Now that my kids don’t believe I actually have an orange monkey who only comes out at night because he doesn’t care for kids. After all, kids are loud and they tend to leak.

Dark Arts for the Good Guys

The 22LR and you

Paid shills

I knew about the Joyce Foundation but Bloomberg and Media Matters?

Gun err Sap Porn

Well, Ok

Weapon myths

Five you probably believe from movies

Everything you need to know about the drug war

Yup. Money and bureaucrats with power.


Kathy Jackson is blogging

There are no stupid questions

Just stupid people

Zombie facts

Wait, facts?

Let’s talk about Glock sights

Tam doesn’t dig their factory sights.

Bourbon infographic


Well, darn

I was so waiting on the KNS endorsement to sway my vote.

Gun Porn

Best knife for a gun fight. And best knife for a knife fight.

Guns of the modern pirate

In betweener

Muzzle blast

October 11, 2012

Standing Around, Serious Business

So, I spent a week at Disney and this is apparently the time of year when a whole lot of people from Where Great Britain Used To Be decide to come to America to eat over priced food and stand in lines waiting to get on a boat to look at robots. Yeah, they call it riding rides but a lot of rides at Disney consist of getting on a boat and looking at robots, while also playing annoying music. Where was I? Oh yeah. Brits!

Seems the Brits take this standing in line business seriously. So seriously, they’ve even come up with a verb form to indicate it as an activity other than standing around (yeah, they’re both verbs but one actually describes an action or activity). Now, sure, everyone hates when someone cuts line but the other stuff, most people don’t care about. If standing in a line in a roped off area, most people just sort of stand wherever and haphazardly meander forward whenever space opens up. But not the British. They are very focused on the line, where they are and where others should be. To your average American, it means fuck all to be standing, say, here or three feet in front of here. But this drives the Brits crazy. And, often, they’ll get a bit too close and in the personal space of someone used to carrying a gun, who’s not a fan. Oddly, they only ever seemed to yell at other Brits about it.

I guess they stand in lines a lot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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