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Gun Porn

11 Most Important Guns In History

Big Glock

Walther PPX

4 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    Thank God Walther is ditching that stupid lever-mag-release thingy

    And I’ll take a threaded 9mm, kthxbai

  2. aczarnowski Says:

    That ppx is not a pretty gun.

    I really liked the paddle mag release on my P99. But ubiquity won out and a G19 replaced it as something to try when I take new shooters to the range.

  3. HL Says:

    Yeah, I like the paddle release on my PPS. It makes the gun slimmer, and there is no danger of dropping your mag when pressed against the flesh.

  4. Linoge Says:

    Meh. The lever release was not only inherently ambidextrous, I found it significantly easier to use than even buttons, and completely incapable of being inadvertently activated by holsters / finger slips / etc.

    It was not standard though, I will give it that…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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