There are documented cases of people surviving falls (or really the sudden stop at the bottom) from hundreds and, in one case that I know of, thousands of feet and yet no one is arguing that pushing another person off of a hundred foot ledge is an ineffective way to kill them.
When it comes to these questions, I always ask the person who says, “[.380|9mm|.22|n<.40|n<.45] is not a man stopper/ineffective/non-lethal/wussy rounds" if they wouldn't mind me shooting at them with said ammo.
December 4th, 2012 at 12:56 pm
25 ACP
December 4th, 2012 at 1:33 pm
Need his middle name. There are a few mug shots out their with his first/last name and city on them.
I could see a perp walking into a hospital with an ND story.
December 4th, 2012 at 2:34 pm
There are documented cases of people surviving falls (or really the sudden stop at the bottom) from hundreds and, in one case that I know of, thousands of feet and yet no one is arguing that pushing another person off of a hundred foot ledge is an ineffective way to kill them.
When it comes to these questions, I always ask the person who says, “[.380|9mm|.22|n<.40|n<.45] is not a man stopper/ineffective/non-lethal/wussy rounds" if they wouldn't mind me shooting at them with said ammo.