Why are anti-gun activists so violent?
Getting word that the NRA building is on alert due to death threats against the staff there from protesters. Anyone heard anymore about that?
Also, if true, not a good way to get your message about violence out there, protesters.
December 17th, 2012 at 7:12 pm
So let me get this right.
All gun owners are nutjob killers.
So the rational thing to do it make death threats against them?
You know the NRA has a bring your gun to work policy. I guess that is why there is no workplace violence there, it’s not a gun free zone.
Just more civility from the left.
December 17th, 2012 at 7:36 pm
If the photos are any indication the total crowd is about 100…pitiful.
Newtown…the Sandy Hook School.
A tragedy and a terrible loss of innocent life in what was supposed to be a “safe place.” …what could have been done to prevent it?
Blame violent video games and movies/TV? Censor them? Yeah…like that’s going to ever happen…violence, like porn, is likely to continue to be everywhere…do they influence behavior?
Possibly, to some degree…but if the deaths of 20 children is a terrible tragedy (and it truly is)…why do we not care as a nation that the total of US abortions since 1973 (Roe v. Wade) through 2011 was 54,559,615 based on state government health organization data & the Guttmacher Institute data…Planned Parenthood alone performed 329,445 in 2010. Those children were no less innocent than the ones at Sandy Hook, and were in what is supposed to be a safer place…the womb. Does the attitude that bearing children to term is a matter of the mother’s choice and convenience, also influence behavior? But I digress…
What concrete steps can we take to prevent all future Sandy Hook type killings?
Pass a law declaring that schools and the surrounding area are gun-free? Zero tolerance for guns in schools?
…check…uh…nope, didn’t prevent it…prevented anyone from stopping or deterring the gunman until he shot himself or the police arrived.
Pass a law that guns can’t be bought without a criminal background check that includes mental health data?
…check…uh…nope, he wasn’t identified as “dangerous” by his doctor, mother or friends, and it’s pretty hard to commit someone without clear evidence of danger, so he might have passed the background check for a firearm purchase…but he wasn’t willing to try it or to accept the mandatory waiting period for firearm purchase…so he went and stole his mother’s guns.
Pass a law that guns be stored under lock and key when not in the possession of their rightful owner, a responsible adult who passed a background check?
…check…that one’s on the books…didn’t prevent him from finding his mother’s keys and looting the gunlocker…
Pass a law that certain guns that look different (scary black “assault weapons”) may not be made or sold? There are millions of magazine fed semi-automatic rifles in the marketplace and already in lawful owners hands, …and the way a gun looks doesn’t determine how it functions, there are semi auto hunting rifles with shiny walnut stocks and stainless steel barrels that shoot the same caliber bullets as the “assault rifles” and are just as legitimately used for hunting, home defense and target practice.
Ban all guns?…punish and disarm 100 Million law-abiding citizens for the actions of a very few sick individuals or one twisted man?…..and you can’t un-invent the gun. In Pakistan in the Khyber pass area they make working copies of every kind of gun imaginable, including full automatic weapons, with a hacksaw, a file, and a drill press. Any machine shop or automotive garage is capable of making guns. Guns are not going away…that genie is not going back in the bottle.
Disarming an entire population? Tell me how that worked out for Germany, the Soviet Union, and China…millions dead at the hands of their own governments…
Safety is a wonderful goal but it’s also magical thinking to believe that anyone, anywhere is absolutely 100% safe at all times…even in prison, under full time guard, people get assaulted, killed or injured. No one wants to live under constant armed supervision in order to be safer…Think about having an armed guard outside your house who watches you come and go…outside your workplace, outside your grocery store, outside and inside every school …and even then, even with the best of intentions, some fraction of the trusted “guards” who are supposed to keep us “safe” would take advantage of the situation. And what would such guards cost?
Parenting is not a spectator sport…you can’t assume, whether at home, at school, or on an outing to the mall, that you or your children are absolutely positively 100% safe…part of responsible parenting is being prepared, willing and able to protect and defend your own family and yourself…it’s a truism that “when seconds count, the police are minutes away”, and will be delighted to arrest the perpetrator after there’s a crime…if they can figure out who did it.
…if you’re not mentally and physically prepared to protect and defend your own family, are you being a responsible adult and parent?
My question is, if our children are indeed most precious to us, and they are, ….why was no one there at the school prepared to guard them? One teacher there had the wits to ignore the official rules (herd everyone into one corner of the classroom…how convenient, a compact single target for rapid fire) and hide her children in scattered locations in cabinets and tell the gunman they were in the gymnasium…God bless her, she saved their lives…though she lost her own life.
Why were none of the responsible school staff, teachers or administrators armed and trained to defend those precious children? It has worked well in Israeli schools under high threat from terrorists…adults are trained and armed. Why would you entrust your most precious children to a school protected only by magical thinking and breakable glass windows?
Why would anyone think that creating a “gun-free” zone, posting signs and passing regulations to that effect, would deter anyone except the law-abiding?
If the shooter was willing to steal guns and kill his own mother…isn’t it magical thinking to believe that, having already broken those laws and fully intending to commit more murders, violating the “gun free” zone at the school would matter to him in the least?
Gun sales have soared. Murder rates have fallen. Mass shootings are in the news, but are 100s of times less likely to kill you than a lightning strike…
In states where lawful citizens can carry concealed weapons, those criminals who are rational have to consider that what looks like a helpless victim may in fact be fully able to defend himself/herself. Twisted individuals who are not behaving rationally or not capable of understanding right and wrong may or may not weigh that possibility, but if you disarm the law-abiding, each incident after that becomes like Newtown…the gunman knows he has free reign within the building for at least some period of time until the police respond.
Whether the threat is terrorists, criminals, or twisted murderous sick individuals, responsible adults need to be prepared and have the means to protect and defend themselves, their families, and in the case of schools, protect and defend the children in their charge.
December 17th, 2012 at 8:14 pm
Why are anti-gun activists so violent? Maybe it’s because they want us to trust them after they’ve taken our guns away from us? Does that make sense?
December 17th, 2012 at 8:49 pm
Seen this yet from the ‘peaceful, loving’ people?
December 17th, 2012 at 9:46 pm
The anit’s are in full gun control blitz. Huffpo and Daily Kos are hammering it big time. Fortunately with this much drivel, they’re drowning themselves out. And by going for a total ban with no grandfather clause, they’re biting off way more than they can chew.
December 17th, 2012 at 10:10 pm
I don’t worry about these people. Most serious gun types know there are people like this out there that are trying to BAIT you into doing something stupid…
December 18th, 2012 at 12:03 am
Q: Why do you carry a gun?
A: Because there are anti-gun people out there screaming to kill me.
December 18th, 2012 at 12:14 am
I’m not a psychologist. Not even near that field. I work as a mechanical designer in an engineering dept. But when I see this stuff it makes me wonder.
Do these vile, awful people focus all their hate and bile and threats of violence on gun owners because they identify with the deranged killers?
December 18th, 2012 at 12:26 am
In light of the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary, it is time to re-read a 1997 report from CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00046149.htm): “CDC analyzed data on childhood [less than 15 years of age] homicide, suicide, and firearm-related death in the United States and 25 other industrialized countries…. The firearm-related homicide rate in the United States was nearly 16 times higher than that in all of the other countries combined; the firearm-related suicide rate was nearly 11 times higher; and the unintentional firearm-related death rate was nine times higher.” Fortunately, firearms deaths of children in the United States ( http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars ), after peaking at 935 in 1993, fell to 426 by 2000. Since that year, roughly 400 children have died from guns every year, leaving the United States with a childhood firearms death rate that is several times the average seen in other industrialized countries. This is the price that American children pay for our current firearms practices. For their sake as well as ours, how can we do better?
December 18th, 2012 at 1:36 am
I guess part of refusing to share credit for civil rights victories means you also get to bear the brunt of the crazy violent anti-civil rights people.
I’ll note that the planned protest is against the DC lobbyist location and not the one in VA. The last time I heard about a protest against the DC location it was by a bunch of locals who demanded that they get out of town. Their leaders undoubtedly knew they were planning on moving to the new facility in Fairfax, VA in just a few days.
Kalashnikat, TL;DR
December 18th, 2012 at 1:42 am
I see you are spamming all the gun blogs with that CDC bullshit, Bob.
The CDC considers anyone under 21 to be “child”. Including inner city gangsters.
December 18th, 2012 at 2:04 am
Yeah, great work there, Bob. In some way do you feel you’ve answered the question “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?” posted up at the head of the page?
Start by looking up “tragedy.” Hint: it’s not any thing that makes you feel sad. Let me point out, there was only one suicide at Newtown. The rest were drafted by our lunatic education department.
Want to know “How can we do better?” Glad you asked. Be just like me. I teach little boys to shoot guns. I’m good at it. After I’m done with them, there’s no more of this school shooting and suicide and negligent discharge. Tell me now, other than whining, what have you done to make this world better? Troll?