Archive for December, 2012

December 17, 2012

Speaking of the ‘conversation on guns’

The rhetoric and public opinions have changed:

The polling evidence suggests that the public has gone from tending to back stricter gun control policies to a more ambiguous position in recent years. There may be some voters who think that the Constitution provides broad latitude to own and carry guns – even if the consequences can sometimes be tragic.

The TSA at work

Agents detain a sick child on her way to treatment because they detected explosive residue.

Inside job

111 guns stolen from S&W

News you can use

Survival kits in Altoid tins. And how to open a can without a can opener.

Situational Awareness

Not going to be much good if someone is determined and doing a professional hit.

The market speaks

Brother, can you spare a BCG?

The national conversation on guns

Some openers. This conversation and compromise is basically saying you guys will give up something, we’re just going debate how much.


We had that conversation and you lost.

A better opener would be to repeal all gun laws then start over. Any takers?

Dumb reactions to the shooting

Diane Feinstein will introduce an assault weapons ban on the first day of congress. Becuase, you know, Connecticut’s assault weapons ban totally prevented a mass shooting. Oh, wait.

We must exploit the shooting

Rupert Murdoch calls for a ban on guns already banned. And I’m sure will give up his security team.

I think someone got a little sand in her vagina. Because, you know, hurling expletives at inanimate objects is useful.

Arm the teachers! This is silly. Sure, if teachers want to be armed and do son voluntarily, I’m not opposed. But I don’t think making schools even more like prisons will help.

Hurling projectiles at high speed is a technology we shouldn’t have.

4 awful reactions to the shooting.

Yup, this is the stuff we’re up against.

Facts about mass shootings

Turns out, they’re no more common now than they have been in past decades. And they happen in gun free zones. The only mass shooting I can think of that wasn’t was the one involving Giffords.

And this, I did not know:

There were seven movie theaters showing the movie “Batman” movie within a 20 minute drive of where the killer lived. Only one of those banned guns. He didn’t go to the movie theater closest to his home. He didn’t go to the movie theater with the largest screen. He went to the one movie theater that banned guns.

Quick, to the politicization phone!

In light of Friday’s shooting, I’ve seen blame placed on guns, video games, movies, poor mental health services, the NRA, me, you, and a number of other things. It’s pretty tiresome.

Guns in Cars

Dueling bills in TN

Gun Porn

What is this? I don’t even . .

Accurate AR

SOPMOD stock

H&R Handi rifle

December 15, 2012

Clackamas Shooter Confronted by Armed Man

Seems he had to hold fire to avoid hitting passers-by:

“I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself.”

Other cases of mass-murderers v. armed citizens here and here.

Just one more!

I thought that people would at least let the bodies cool before politicizing the mass murder of a bunch of children. In the instant information age, I guess that’s not the case. Apparently, we’re to now have a “national discussion” on gun control. Again. We already did and you lost. But here you go. This happened in a state with some of the nation’s strictest gun laws.

A 20 year-old had a couple of handguns (illegal). And, depending on the press report, had an assault weapon (illegal), automatic rifle (illegal), or machine gun (illegal). Shot his mom in the face (illegal). Stole his mom’s vehicle (illegal). Transported the gun in the vehicle (illegal) within 1,000 feet of a school (illegal). Carried it onto school property (illegal). Broke and entered (illegal). Carried a gun in a school (illegal). Discharged a firearm (illegal). Shot at people (illegal). Killed some people (illegal). Killed himself (not sure if illegal).

And I’m sure broke other laws I’m not aware of. But, you know, one more gun law ought to do it. Right?

Also, the semi-automatic 5.56 or machine gun or automatic rifle or assault weapons (depending on the source) was much vilified as news of the shooting broke. But that weapon remained in the car.

In the first few hours of a major event, the press will get substantially everything wrong. Other than ‘there was a school shooting’, everything I heard on the news yesterday turned out to be false.

December 14, 2012

Thoughts and prayers directed to CT

Some nutjob killed a bunch of kids and, by most accounts, his own family. My heart goes out to those kids and their families.

December 13, 2012

Mall Shooter Used A Stag

Portland Police Sergeant says that was the gun used by the shooter. I have a couple of Stag lowers and they work great.

DIY Armed Drones

Yes, I’d like one

In Chicago

Since the court ruled Illinois has to pass shall-issue carry, Otis McDonald is celebrating.

Chicago will fight the ruling.

Here’s the draft bill in Illinois. Already a problem in the first paragraph:

Permits the county sheriff to issue permits to carry concealed firearms to persons at least 21 years of age who meet certain requirements.

I’m pretty sure the ruling says that the law should be shall-issue. A sheriff permitting isn’t shall-issue.

Gun safety

Even with toy guns

Lawsuit in PA

Right to privacy: Suing over the disclosure of gun license applicants.


Interesting use of the word

Post title of the day



Gun crime Where Great Britain Used To Be up 35%

In Michigan

If you get more training, you could carry your gun in more places.

Reserved Seating

Where do you sit at a restaurant?

Is the Brady suit against preempted by federal law?

Eugene Volokh has a look

Well, come and do it

Some actor says Obama should round up opponents like a third world dictator.

In Taser news

Taser wins product liability lawsuit

“Shut up!”, he explained

Piers Morgan, who used to judge a reality show, is now judging a non-reality show. Here, he debates the Second Amendment Foundation‘s Alan Gottlieb. He uses all of the classic anti-gun tactics:

proof by vigorous assertion
lies, gets caught lying, repeats the lie
talking over his opponent
Gets question answered, asks again only with more dickery and shut up!

Anyway, the correct answer to why do you need an AR-15? is because fuck you. Or, the more politically correct version because I can. You see, Piers, you don’t get a say in what I own or what I do. End of story.

Gun Porn

Masterpiece Arms MPAR 556 Revealed

RIA 9mm 1911

AK107 and Saiga 9 coming to the US civilian market

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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Gun Shops & Shooting Ranges


