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In Chicago

They have all that gun control the president wants and more but 7 people killed in one day.

11 Responses to “In Chicago”

  1. Ron W Says:

    That’s the way Obama wants it everywhere…the people disarmed and dependent on LEO’s who are NOT obligated to protect anyone. And remember, his evil gun control intiatives EXEMPT him, government officials and government agents!!


  2. mostly cajun Says:

    One of those doesn’t count. Stabbed.


  3. Chas Says:

    That’s the way Obama wants it everywhere…the people disarmed and dependent on LEO’s who are NOT obligated to protect anyone. And remember, his evil gun control intiatives EXEMPT him, government officials and government agents!!


  4. Chas Says:

    What Ron W said.

  5. Seerak Says:

    Cajun, I believe that the point here is that NONE of them “count”. They don’t serve the narrative.

  6. Matt in AZ Says:

    In 1990 my dad and I went to Chicago. Decided to visit the museum of science and industry on the south side. The El dropped us off in what I would describe as a rough part of town. With a mile to walk we started out and made it about 300 yards when an police detective whipped a u-turn with tires squealing. He got out and was actually pushing us towards the back seat asking us to please get into the car. He asked us where we wanted to go and explained that in this area there had been five murders in the last two days. He probably feared that our dumb, touristy-asses would cause him more paperwork. We thanked him profusely as I remember….
    Chicago, New York and the U.K. are not ideal models of gun control. A teenager picking up an AR and defending his siblings from a home invasion is the ideal model of gun control. I am starting to question Obama’s sanity, or at least his logic on this issue.

  7. Bill Says:

    The logic is this: Less guns = more crimes. More crimes equal more demands for government provided safety/intrusion. More government = more power and larger police state.

    Follow that as far along as you want. It’s all bad all the way down.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    ” I am starting to question Obama’s sanity, or at least his logic on this issue.”

    Obama my have several psychological issues, some of which make him unsuitable to the office, but he’s not “insane” in the rubber room sense. Hitler had psychological issues, but the worst you can really say is that he was very “unwise”, not that he should have been locked up. A little thorazine would have gone a long way.

    Neither is the problem one of logic. The policies and actions he pursues, despite what he says publicly he is pursuing, fit perfectly with his ideology. He is neither crazy, psychological issues notwithstanding, nor stupid, though he’s not the sharpest bulb in the pickle drawer.

    He is, in fact, evil. He is our enemy. I used that word to describe him as far back as 2007, and was roundly ridiculed by people who were ready to project their own wishes on the blank “hopenchange” slate, as well as those with faith that our political system operated conscientiously.

    How does it sound now?

    Oh, and it’s turtles all the way down.

  9. Ron W Says:

    What Mr. Evilwrench said.

  10. Bill Says:

    Turtles! Facepalm

    I knew that had to be wrong.

  11. Mike Gordon Says:

    Perhaps one goal in pushing for gun controls like semi-auto bans is to make criminals out of your political opponents. Turn millions of conservative (and probably Republican) into felons without the right to vote.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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