Cool pic
Right here. 91% favor universal background checks. I think if one gun proposal does go through, it will be that one. But no one’s going to follow that law. Also high up at 86% is enforcing existing laws. I was surprised at the low 50 percentile for a ban on modern rifles and regular capacity magazines.
Due to recent changes made by Reed Exhibitions regarding the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, Cabela’s will no longer sponsor this year’s event. After careful consideration regarding Cabela’s business practices, and the feelings of our customers, Cabela’s will, unfortunately, not have a presence at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.
Good for them.
Bill Clinton says careful treading on gun owners:
Clinton closed his remarks with a warning to big Democratic donors that ultimately many Democratic lawmakers will be defeated if they choose to stand with the president.
He remembers 1994.
Private gun sales halted following shooting. Sure, after a negligent discharge, I can see being freaked out. But limiting purchases seems like it’s a bit much.
Ray Nagin, from Mayors Against Guns, indicted.
It’s quite the trend among that group.
Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show Bans Modern Rifles & Magazines
Worse, the NSSF sticks by them.
Groupon removes all gun related deals from their site
Time Warner to stop accepting ads with semi-autos and guns pointed at people. Not sure how often that really happened. And I’m certain they won’t show any more programming featuring guns, right?
Democrat Virginia Delegate Joe Morrisey who mishandled an AK variant used as a prop for pushing gun control that I mentioned? Yeah, turns out he had been disbarred for assault and issuing death threats. No wonder he doesn’t want you armed.
Post-Traumatic Stupidity Syndrome. Because we must do something. For the children.
That quote of the day from the other day has been meme-ified.
And, while my inclination to explain why I need some thing is often “because fuck you”, it’s not very effective marketing when you’re trying to get people on your side.
Back when the PATRIOT Act was rammed through, folks speculated that, since it was for terrorism, more stuff would become terrorism. Like when a 5 year old pointed a bubble gun at another kid. Or revenge on a cheating husband’s mistress turned into terrorism.
Glenn Reynolds: Gun control is a culture-war effort to rub middle America’s nose in the fact that the world is run by its betters. Any actual improvement in public safety is of no concern at all.
Pics from various pro-gun rallies
Guns across America, and this is my favorite.
Brokaw: Silence On Gun Violence Akin To Failing To Oppose Segregation in 60s. Yes except this is a civil rights issue too, you blithering idiot.
Brazilian gunmaker Forjas Taurus SA (FJTA4) is emerging as a likely bidder for Freedom Group Inc. as analysts bet that proposed U.S. gun controls will fail to deter demand in the world’s largest consumer firearms market.
Taurus, the acquirer of U.S. revolver maker Heritage Manufacturing Inc. last year, would be a good suitor for all or part of Freedom Group, according to brokerage Coinvalores and Wedbush Morgan Securities. Taurus, which said in November that it’s “analyzing acquisition opportunities” for 2013, declined to comment on speculation of a bid.
It apparently took two burglaries of the homes of people whose addresses they published (who are no doubt going to sue them) and a package of dookie to be mailed to them. But they pulled their list.
I still hope they get sued and this costs them millions.
I don’t “need” my AR any more than Rosa Parks “needed” to sit in the front of that bus
No, really:
Jim Baker, the NRA representative present at the meeting, recalled the vice president’s words during an interview with The Daily Caller: “And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”
But for some reason, they’ll have time to enforce all these new gun control proposals, right? This shows just how unserious they are other than a political show.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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