Magical thinking
This is one of the dumbest canards ever. I’m sure prohibition saved just one life. Our onerous drug laws have probably saved just one life. Not signing the declaration if independence would have saved just one life. Not going to war in WW2 would have saved just one life. And on and on. Some things, simply, are worth lives.
But what is a life worth?
Stop selling guns and accessories to police in states with bad gun laws. Good idea but it won’t happen. Glock sells a lot of guns to the NYPD. And Cali has a huge police force as well.
Australia, correctly in my view, does not have a Bill of Rights, so our legislatures have more say than America’s over many issues of individual rights, and our courts have less control.
Well, they are subjects.
This story was on the blogs yesterday but now the press notices that NY’s new gun laws don’t have police exemptions.
For the second time, a home address that the Journal News published to let everyone know they had guns has been robbed.
Virginia Delegate Joe Morrisey rants about assault weapons while holding a weapon that would not have been an assault weapon under the 1994 assault weapons ban. And he also has his thumb on the trigger.
Not so much about guns. Of course, it’s Jersey so they pretty much have most of the gun control wish list items already.
Let’s stop mincing words; Let progressives — not all but certainly many — stop feigning tolerance for a gun culture we abhor and rampant gun ownership we cannot comprehend.
But tolerance is good, lefties tell me. Points for honesty though.
And for people like my dad who tell me I’m stupid for not voting for Romney because of this Obama gun control push, I’ll have you know I’m glad Romney lost. At least on this issue. He’s never seen gun control he didn’t like (until he wanted to be president) and we’d have him calling for it and Republicans falling in line.
The AP gets its marching orders on gun control vs. gun violence:
We think there’s room for both kinds of phrasing in our report. We should vary our terms from one script or story to another. But pay attention to the context: Obama didn’t unveil a “gun violence package,” but a package against gun violence.
No, he released a gun control package. It will do nothing to prevent gun violence. At least there’s progress on the whole clip and magazine thing.
So, I’ve heard a few things. One of the largest distributors of popular guns in the US has sold hundreds of thousands of their popular guns in less than a month. A record. And, in that same time, about 1,000,000 magazines.
I’m also hearing from people that the large suppliers of ammo reloading supplies have stopped selling to NY because components are the same as ammo. Anyone else have this issue?
As a result, at least one Federal Firearms Licensee has refused to allow police officers who have purchased guns to have the magazines that come with them, because those factory standard magazines hold more than seven rounds. The FFL fears selling the guns he has with the magazines they came with would be breaking the law, even when the purchasers are cops, because there are no clear provisions in the bill allowing a police exception to the ban.
Hmm. Is there an exemption built in for the dealer to have them?
Apparently, saying stuff on the internet makes it hard to get hired. I’m self-employed these days.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee wants to make sure we hurry up and pass gun laws before everyone comes to their senses.
Glock’s new ad:
Weird. Did he pass out or did they fire imaginary bullets?
Which aren’t really executive orders.
CCRKBA: Where has [Obama] been for the last four years?
NSSF: They’re OK with fixing NICS and getting the feds to do their job.
GOA: Who cares?
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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