Archive for January, 2013

January 17, 2013

ATF Regs

If you want to voluntarily do a background check, you must fill out form 4473. So, these will never be done. Ever.

Reid: I’ll bring gun legislation to floor

No specifics as to what and he’s not supported AWBs in the past.

Wouldn’t it be easier to list non banned items?

The list of guns banned in NY due to the new law.

NRA v. Obama

So, a bit back Wayne LaPierre made some misguided comments about video games and violence. He didn’t call for action but he criticized them in the wake of the shooting. This was universally viewed as dumb when said by the evil NRA. But Obama has now asked the CDC to study the link between video games and violence. Personally, I played a lot of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong as a kid so I walk around swallowing pills and swinging a hammer at any gorilla I see.

Obama upset at NRA for using children as props in a political fight while also using children as props in a political fight. Also, the spin on this is funny in the press. You see, its’ a ‘personal attack’ when NRA does it. But there’s nothing personal about infringing on the rights of millions of people.

When NRA has the ideas, it’s crazy talk. When Obama has the exact same ideas, it’s a sweeping step forward!


60% of young people plan to buy firearms. Well, 60 admit it. There are those who won’t answer yes but will buy them.

What the Hell Is an ‘Assault Weapon’?

An arbitrary political construct designed to misinform most people

Gun Porn

Cobra Patriot 9S

Slide Fire’s Belt Fed Rifle. I may need one of those.

Mk-16 Jager Karabiner

Didn’t think it was possible to make a sexy AK. But this Black Rain Ordnance AK-47

January 16, 2013

Gun Control Proposals Explained


Barry’s List Of Executive Action

Tell everyone to do their goddamned jobs

The president got on TV, using children as props or human shields, and called on congress for more laws that would not have prevented Sandy Hook but we need them anyway because fuck gun owners. Or something. He then spelled out 23 executive actions (up from the originally stated 19). And those actions are (with my comments as I feel like it in bold):

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system. (they’re supposed to do this anyway and they fail at it. It’s enforcing existing law)

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system. Some states actually prohibit this due to privacy concerns and health care

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system. It is a self-reporting system. I don’t mind the incentives so much. It’s enforcing existing law

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks. I think this one is up to congress not the executive.

5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun. I’ve heard of PDs doing this but I don’t know the legal justification

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers. Ok. But it’s not required by law.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign. Yay, government propaganda. Leave that to the experts

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission). This one could be something if suddenly those cheap ass locks that manufacturers sell with guns that I use as targets or to lock the occasional gate suddenly become very expensive

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations. Required traces even if unnecessary for leads the investigators will not follow

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement. Pointless

11. Nominate an ATF director. Pointless

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations. Who will provide this? But not a bad idea

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. I think there’s something like 76,000 times per year where someone lies on a form 4473 and those are not prosecuted. I wonder if that’s what is meant. It’s enforcing existing law

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence. There’s a law that prohibits this because a lot of “studies” were politically motivated. And the last time CDC did a report in concluded that there wasn’t a link between violent crime and assault weapons. Or something similar.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies. Smart guns? Dumb idea.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. I’m pretty sure it does say that.

17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities. I don’t have a problem here

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers. But you told me that having armed guards at schools was crazy NRA talk!

19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education. Again, I’d leave this to the professionals

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover. The mental health angle is going to be someone else’s area of expertise but it looks like they are going after something other than guns.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges. See above

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations. See above

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health. See above. I’m guessing there will be a push for gun crime as public health issue.

Mostly consists of enforcing existing law. I was expecting a ban on imports of certain guns and gun parts.

Basically, nothing on this list would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Update: Geez, everyone had the same idea. More here.

Clip v. Magazine

From the AP stylebook

But I thought we had to limit magazine capacity and ban black rifles for safety?

So wouldn’t this make us less safe? Tenn. police allowed to carry personal AR-15 rifles


Some screaming from some lefties about supposedly coffin shaped targets. I guess they forgot the Brady Camp’s child shaped targets.

Congressional Thieves

Congressional Offices Continue to Illegally Download Movies and TV Shows. I’m sure the Justice Department is on the case.

Flip flop and you don’t stop

Historically pro-gun Senator Joe Manchin caved on the gun issue just after Sandy Hook. Then, he sort of uncaved. And now has, apparently, caved again.

Gun shows in Travis County

The good guys won the battle

Modern lawmaking

Writing Laws For Crimes that Didn’t Violate Them

Better things to do

Gallup poll says that gun control is way down the list of important things Americans are worried about. Well, sure. All this gun control discussion serves two purposes. The first is that it distracts from the important things. The dog and pony show is a distraction. Second, make no mistake, this is payback to the bitter clingers and red state cousin humpers for not feeding the democrat machine.

Houston Chronicle Sees Lawful Items For Sale, Shits Pants

Legal weapons, sold legally and they are not too happy about it

Making sausage

The NYT on NY’s ridiculous gun bill:

Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to lead the nation in gun control, but he’s picked a peculiar way of doing it. Mr. Cuomo negotiated in secret with a few other powerful politicians on a dog’s breakfast of legislation that got no public discussion at all and was passed by state senators who had not even read it—because they were not given a chance to do so.

clubs like a baby seal

Smacking down anti-gun silliness


Next question

Do they not have google?

Newspaper purchases plagiarism-detection software

Speaking of trigger discipline

This guy surprisingly displaying some, despite the stress of drawing his shotty on a burglar.

Ronald Regan’s AR-15

And poor trigger discipline. Also, never knew he was a lefty.

Congrats, Aunt B!

Who will soon be part of the problem!

The politics of guns

Yup: Politicians Love Subsidizing the Guns They Want to Ban

Proposes federal gun laws, a list.

Rand Paul: Obama acting ‘like a king’ on guns, vows to fight executive actions

The NRA: “Are the president’s kids more important than yours?” a narrator asks. “Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools?”

Gun Porn

Already illegal in NY, USFA ZiP .22. I don’t think I’m a fan of racking it by placing my hand in front of the muzzle.

Shot media day at the range after action report

New stuff from Ruger.

January 15, 2013

National conversation on guns

NRA adds 250,000 members in one month


Obama to use children as backstop while pushing for gun control. And some details of his plans.

Keeping it classy

Sandy Hook Shooting Spree First Person Shooter allows you to shoot Wayne LaPierre in the head.

Update: Tread at that link carefully, internet trolls and graphic pics.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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