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And these people hold office

Which means even more people are stupid enough to vote for them: I just intro’d bill to prevent kids under 12 from going to gun shows.

10 Responses to “And these people hold office”

  1. TigerStripe Says:

    How many anti-gun legislators are jewish? People forget history fast or just ignore it…


  2. bob smith Says:

    I heard they want to throw Idaho out of the Union because the state’s shape sort of looks like a gun.

  3. Old NFO Says:

    One more pathetic attempt…

  4. MrSatyre Says:

    I’d be more interested in how many are numerologists. Why ages 11 and under banned from gun shows? Why 7 rounds? Why single shot (semi) versus multiple shot (auto)? They are all so amazingly arbitrary… And yet they all claim to be the logical, rational ones. Oh, crap! I said a number!

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Wait until they try to make having a “Gun in the Home” a Charge for Child Abuse.

  6. chiefjaybob Says:

    You know, I think this level of stupid is just a job requirement. Remember the Rep who was worried about Guam tipping over?

  7. Gerry Says:

    Never under estimate the resolve of lawmakers to try and fix problems that do not exist.

  8. rickn8or Says:

    Well, no legislature has tried to make pi = 3.000 for a while, so there IS some improvement…

  9. Lyle Says:

    “Which means even more people are stupid enough to vote for them.”

    And now you begin to see the primary role and purpose of public education.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    In their defense, I suspect nobody that voted for that schmuck knew he was going to do that.

    I don’t think he ran on it as a campaign plank…

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