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Cruz and Paul will filibuster the Senate’s gun control bills. This time though, they’ll do it the procedural way and not by talking for 13 hours.

4 Responses to “Filibuster”

  1. TigerStripe Says:

    I’m so glad I put in a little time with the Cruz campaign. He’s already paid off with his work in the Senate.


  2. James Says:

    I don’t want a ‘procedural filibuster’. I want the real deal.

    I want Paul/Cruz to graphically demonstrate what 2a is about. I want a slide show of governmental human rights abuse; pictures of Pol Pot skulls, Armenian slaughtered corpses, Russian gulag execution photos, KKK lynching photos, and the real deal of what founding fathers knew what was the truth in the natural right of self defense.

    Please, demonstrate out in the open without the statist revisionist history. Explain why we have a second amendment, unencumbered by a corrupt collectivist mentality. Let the statists argue, and fail, on the senate floor for all to see.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    I don’t know why the national media and pro-gun blogs keep ignoring Utah Senator Mike Lee. This was basically his idea.

    I guess this is due to the Media’s obsession with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, or perhaps Senator Lee doesn’t want the spotlight on him.

  4. Ron W Says:

    I would that my senators from Tennessee were with them on this…we keep getting soft men.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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